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V-Ray Material Library materials - texture preview crashes Maya 2023

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  • V-Ray Material Library materials - texture preview crashes Maya 2023

    Whenever I try to change the view mode to "Textured" (that is press "6" on your keyboard), and a material from V-Ray Material Library is applied to my objects, Maya crashes straight away.

    It only happens with those materials.

    Just try it yourself: create a plane, apply a material from the V-Ray Library, press 6 on the keyboard. Crash.

    Maya version: 2023.3

    V-Ray version: 6.00.3 hotfix 1

    This is quite bad, because it keeps us from previewing textures in the viewport, unless we don't do it by launching an IPR.

    Does anyone have a solution, or is it just a big annoying bug?

    Thank you

  • #2
    Update regarding this issue.

    I have completely uninstalled Arnold for Maya, because just disabling it was not enough ( some scenes forced Maya to turn Arnold back on, for some reasons ).

    That seems to have fixed it.

    So, if you find yourself in the same situation, don't just disable Arnold, it won't 100% work. Instead uninstall it completely with its uninstaller. This way the issue is gone.

    Thank you


    • #3
      Hi MannaTheBerserk , Thanks for posting this, and your solution. Have you found any other fixes, -not having to uninstall Arnold completely?


      • #4
        If it helps,
        I did manage to get some success getting the Hypershade to open, other material preview related crashes from happening, etc.
        -without having to completely uninstall all of Arnold;

        Before opening the Hypershade (do this before anything else), I ran this MEL script;
        setAttr "defaultRenderGlobals.currentRenderer" -type "string" "vray";
        The only limitation I've hit since, was to avoid turning on materials in the viewport (that will still crash Maya 2023);
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-07-29 101213.jpg
Views:	157
Size:	19.3 KB
ID:	1213029


        • #5
          The thing is the issue occurs even when V-Ray is disabled. The Material Library shaders' .tx textures crash Arnold itself. Our devs have deduced that the issue is on the Autodesk side. I'll speak to the project manager about contacting Autodesk directly.

          EDIT: We've already contacted them (date of the original post) and have been periodically reminding them every few months of the issue. It's up to them.
          Last edited by hermit.crab; 30-07-2024, 01:55 AM.
          Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            Hey All, just confirming that this issue still exists. I am having the same problem with Maya 2024 crashing when using VRay material library shaders.

