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Viewport with TX files unstable

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  • Viewport with TX files unstable


    is it only me, or do you also experience crashes when using .TX files.

    First I thought it is Cosmos objects in general, but running some test, I found it is the tx files.
    They work perfectly fine in rendering. Maya runs stable as long as I dont make textures visible in viewport.
    With smaller test scenes I can turn on texture visibility, but with larger scenes Maya crashes instantly when I turn textures on in viewport.

    Once knowing this issue, I can now work around it. But it took a while to find out, and perhaps others are experiencing the same.

    Would be cool to turn of texture/viewport visibility for certain material.


  • #2
    I had a similar crash issue with proxys in a scene.
    If I had a proxy in a scene and then started to work in poly component mode, edges, verts ect I would get a crash. NOT editing a proxy in comp mode but just general poly objects.


    • #3
      I am a new member and new subscriber. I am seeing the same issue, where I use materials from Chaos Cosmos, apply them to some meshes. They render fine, but any attempt to open the UV editor will crahs Maya 2024.



      • #4
        I was poking around and saw the Sticky for known issues in Maya.

        I uninstalled Arnold and am no longer seeing any problems opening my UV editor with objects linked to tx files.


        • #5
          I had the same issue a couple of weeks ago when I was using some assets from Chaos Cosmos, and got a fix from Autodesk. Notes below from them:

          I was able to reproduce a crash in Hypershade when checking the textures.

          I am currently not sure what exactly causes the issue, but it seems that Arnold crashes when it tries to load one ore more of your texture files.
          Currently I guess this happens because of the use of .tx files, as this file extension is also used for Arnold specific texture files.
          There are also some special image formats used which can cause issues, like grey-scale images instead of RGB images, but currently I guess it's caused by the TX files.

          Please make sure the Arnold plug-in is not loaded when working with this scene.
          If you use V-Ray as primary renderer I recommend to uncheck "Auto load" for mtoa.mll (this is the Maya-to-Arnold plug-in) Manager and keep this as a permanent setting.

          However in your current scene Arnold is set as requirement and some Arnold nodes are also already included, so you need to remove this requirement first.
          You also need to delete the default Arnold nodes from the scene.

          delete defaultArnoldDisplayDriver defaultArnoldDriver defaultArnoldFilter defaultArnoldRenderOptions;
          As it's urgent I recommend the following workaround and "hide" Arnold in Windows, this prevents Arnold from being loaded, regardless of any setting or scene requirement.
          Rename the folder
          C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\maya2024
          C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\maya2024_off
          After this Arnold is not found when Maya is started.
          You can rename the folder back at any time.

          If you are using Maya 2023, so in your case you would need to
          Rename the folder
          C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\maya2023to
          C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\maya2023_off

