I am trying to render Cryptomatte based on point instance string primvars in usd file.
The usd file is created in Houdini and render with VRay Houdini just fine. However, VRay Maya render just red color, which probably means it failed to read the primvars.
To be able to render crytomatte based on point instance primvars is a very useful feature. Creating custom masks for million instances without this feature will be a nightmare. Is it possible to do this with VRay Maya?
Houdini setting, ATTR1 is the attribute name

Maya Cryptomatte render element setting

VRay Cryptomatte rendering from Maya(left) and Houdini(right)

The attachment is the usd file created in Houdini
Testing Environment
Windows 11
Maya 2023
VRay for Maya 6.20.01 and 6.20.24
Houdini 20.0.590
VRay for Houdini 6.20.05
I am trying to render Cryptomatte based on point instance string primvars in usd file.
The usd file is created in Houdini and render with VRay Houdini just fine. However, VRay Maya render just red color, which probably means it failed to read the primvars.
To be able to render crytomatte based on point instance primvars is a very useful feature. Creating custom masks for million instances without this feature will be a nightmare. Is it possible to do this with VRay Maya?
Houdini setting, ATTR1 is the attribute name
Maya Cryptomatte render element setting
VRay Cryptomatte rendering from Maya(left) and Houdini(right)
The attachment is the usd file created in Houdini
Testing Environment
Windows 11
Maya 2023
VRay for Maya 6.20.01 and 6.20.24
Houdini 20.0.590
VRay for Houdini 6.20.05