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When DomeLight of USD was imported in mayaUSD, it functioned as a light but not as a background

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  • When DomeLight of USD was imported in mayaUSD, it functioned as a light but not as a background

    Invisibility is enabled as in vrayDomeLight.
    I understand that this can be handled with custom attributes, but there is no setting in USDDomeLight to not render the background, so I believe it is correct in the USD spec that the background is visible.
    What is the intent of the implementation here?​
    HTML Code:
    #usda 1.0
        metersPerUnit = 0.01
        upAxis = "Y"
    def DomeLight_1 "DomeLight_1"
        color3f inputs:shadow:color
        bool inputs:shadow:enable = 1
        ## Add the following code to render the background
        # custom int vray:LightDome_invisible = 0
    ​ ​ ​
    Attached Files
    Last edited by takahashi_masaki; 05-03-2025, 02:11 AM.

  • #2
    There's a "VRay Light Dome Invisible" attribute in the Extra Attributes of the duplicated USD VRayDomeLight, and it seems to work as expected. Is this not the case on your end?
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I think I can go with that! Thanks!

