I'm going to use the words fresnell, falloff, and incidence in this post to mean roughly the same thing... camera-based attenuation of color, or any other parameter (in our case, color).
We are having an issue with displaced materials when they use incidence shaders. We have used vray fresnell as the computing node, the standard Maya samplerInfo - ramp.vcords setup, and both have issues when using displacements in vray. I *think* what is happening is that the incidence is being calculated before the surface is displaced. The ugly artifacts we are seeing are grid-like patterns that form the geometry before displacement.
We are having an issue with displaced materials when they use incidence shaders. We have used vray fresnell as the computing node, the standard Maya samplerInfo - ramp.vcords setup, and both have issues when using displacements in vray. I *think* what is happening is that the incidence is being calculated before the surface is displaced. The ugly artifacts we are seeing are grid-like patterns that form the geometry before displacement.