Hi all
I would like to explain what is happening in my example image and hopefully someone can shed some light onto what is happening.
Basically I have 3 torus shapes, one with a red Lambert material, one is a vray material with glossy reflections (metal) and the torus in front is a vray material with white colour for refraction colour and 1 set for the amount (glass material) .
The glass material ( white refraction colour and amount set to 1 ) should not disturb the colour of objects behind it, it should now only distort them through the refraction, however it is visibly darkening the metal material but not the Lambert material.
I can only assume that some of the reflection or specular of the metal material is being blocked by the refraction. This is causing havoc with me trying to render car headlights and I could really do with a solution.
Any help much appreciated.
Thanks for reading
I would like to explain what is happening in my example image and hopefully someone can shed some light onto what is happening.
Basically I have 3 torus shapes, one with a red Lambert material, one is a vray material with glossy reflections (metal) and the torus in front is a vray material with white colour for refraction colour and 1 set for the amount (glass material) .
The glass material ( white refraction colour and amount set to 1 ) should not disturb the colour of objects behind it, it should now only distort them through the refraction, however it is visibly darkening the metal material but not the Lambert material.
I can only assume that some of the reflection or specular of the metal material is being blocked by the refraction. This is causing havoc with me trying to render car headlights and I could really do with a solution.
Any help much appreciated.
Thanks for reading