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Render Element Math

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  • Render Element Math

    I just wanted to make a post about this since it has been on my mind for a long time.

    It is possible to have render elements comped together to match the Beauty pass 100 percent using:


    So lets say that would be a LEVEL 1 Vray comp.

    Now if I wanted to take it to LEVEL 2, this is where things don't match up.

    If You have Raw Reflection, and Reflection filter as an output, it should give you an identical image to the Reflect pass when using a multiply. That's not the case though. You can see a huge difference in reflection gloss. Almost like it doesn't breakout correctly when using a blend material?

    I would love to one day be able to breakdown render elements more in, without having to do a subtract for the missing or difference in pixels information.

    Is this something that can actually be addressed in the future, or is it just not possible?

  • #2
    U blend Raw Reflection with Diffuse... not reflection. U blend them with multiply if I'm not wrong, gimme a min I'll dig out for you guide

    / Fail www is updating...

    For future, he did great video tutorial about compositing passes. And they wont perfectly match to vray render, there is some thing of an missing pixels or something that will different the render slightly...
    Last edited by Dariusz Makowski (Dadal); 16-12-2010, 01:46 PM.
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


    • #3
      Raw Reflection with Diffuse? That doesn't make sense. The Reflection Element is the raw reflection of an object that is multiplied by the frenel/reflection color (Reflection Filter) Diffuse is the strait color channel of an object for diffuse. If you were to take the Raw Light and mult that by the diffuse, that would give you the lighting pass.

      This is where the problem lies. The first breakdown *LEVEL 1* will match the beauty 100 percent. The missing pixel information has to do with what Chaos Group decides is going to be contributing to the other render passes. Thats why I am curious to know what math in the shaders/renderer are missing when those render elements are split out. It would be nice to do a *LEVEL 2* break out and actually have it match the beauty without having to subtract the beauty, or reflect/lighting back into the result.
      Last edited by Metzger; 16-12-2010, 03:43 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Metzger View Post
        I just wanted to make a post about this since it has been on my mind for a long time.

        It is possible to have render elements comped together to match the Beauty pass 100 percent using:

        Would love that as well.


        • #5
          I just posted something about that "Level 1" element comp you're mentioning. I've had issues with multiplying those other elements together too.

