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Single VrScene + Render Farm goes slowww...

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  • Single VrScene + Render Farm goes slowww...


    Don't know if this is a network/OS X prob or vray prob.

    If I just let the farm crunch on a single vrscene, the renders are all over the place. 1 min / frame, 8 min, 15 min, 40 min etc...

    The work around is that I batch out the vrscenes for as many computers and have 1 computer to each vrscene.

    I don't know if the problem is due to our network setup is such that if a bunch of machines are reading a single file it gets hung up.. or if it has something to with the way vray looks at a single file..

    Network setup.
    Old G5 X Server
    14 OS X dual and quad cores.
    Using Smedge

    Actually, maybe vrscene per frame is the way to go, I couldn't get this to work in 1.5 maya os x.. I will get on trying that..

    Any insight to what maybe happening would be sweet!

    Thanks in advance,

  • #2
    As far as I know Smedge doesn’t have a module to render vrscene.
    What is the module that you are using and if it includes V-Ray distributed rendering option?
    Is there any output produced during rendering by the server/ nodes?
    How do you render the vrscene on a single machine – with or without Smedge?
    If you are using a custom module to distribute the vrscene over the network, the problem could be due to it (the path to vray.exe or/and the specific V-Ray command line options).
    Some more information will be appreciated.
    Best regards,
    Zdravko Keremidchiev
    Technical Support Representative


    • #3
      Hi Zdravko,

      Thank you for the response.

      Smedge -
      Using generic script execution.

      I set our pipeline up to do vrscenes per frame instead.. Working great now!


