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"There was a fatal error rendering the scene."

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  • "There was a fatal error rendering the scene."

    Usually I'd suspect a RAM issue when getting a message like this, but here's what the script editor spit out:

    // Error: Exception [module=1] : Rendering region (2112,2814)-(2128,2830) //
    // Error: Exception [module=1] : Rendering region (1616,2654)-(1632,2670) //

    What should I be looking to troubleshoot with a message like that?

    I tried to see if there was something wrong with those specific regions, but couldn't reproduce it. Dragging a region and rendering those areas ended up working just fine.

  • #2
    It's hard to say what might be the problem; would be best if you can get us a scene where we can reproduce it. Which V-Ray version is this by the way?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I think I've solved this one actually. Maya's referencing system had a bit of a meltdown that was causing problems I think, maybe something about a certain reference edit. I went into the master file and made the changes there, nuked the reference out of the scene and made it fresh, haven't had a problem since!


      • #4
        Heh, ok then

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          This one has been further solved to now not involve any 3D software at all...I believe it stemmed from perhaps a slight fault in my motherboard that causes clock interval errors (and BSOD's my computer now and then too, generally when a 9,000px print render is 95% finished).

          I think this was the 3919 build of VRay 1.5 btw (the one with very stable proxy generation) not that it actually matters in the end since I'm 99% sure it's hardware related.


          • #6

            I had the same thing happen to me several times.
            And it def. wasnt the hardware that was causing crashes.

            seems like it was in the files.

            ill let you know next time it occurs

