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RT Frame Buffer Window empty / black

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  • RT Frame Buffer Window empty / black

    I'm just getting started learning RT, but when I start the IPR render, the frame buffer render launches but remains black. I've enabled VFB in the Common globals, DR is turned off and the RT Engine tab settings are default (CPU).

    It's just a simple scene of a nurbs sphere and plane with VRayMtl applied and a default spot light. (see attachment)

    I'm using V-Ray for Maya version 2.00.04 EDU from Apr 28 2011 on CentOS 5.6 64 and Gnome.

    Here's the console output:
    V-Ray: Starting render
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Rendering with IPR (port 20207).
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 1.00
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.4s): 13 % completed
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.1s (0.1 s)
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Render complete
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: ========================
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray warning: [SettingsPNG] No image writer specified.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray warning: [SettingsJPEG] No image writer specified.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray warning: [SettingsSGI] No image writer specified.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray warning: [SettingsTIFF] No image writer specified.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray warning: [SettingsTGA] No image writer specified.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray warning: [SettingsEXR] No image writer specified.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Preparing renderer...
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Preparing scene for rendering...
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: dr host:
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Connected to render host
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Using 1 hosts for distributed rendering.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Preparing scene for frame...
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray warning: Scene is empty.
    [2011/Aug/30|23:49:06] V-Ray: Running RTEngine

    I've tried different materials and lights, and a VRay Sphere Light DOES render as solid white, but everything else remains black.

    Hope you can help! I'm hoping/guessing that it's something easy.


    Attached Files

  • #2
    Another somewhat related problem:

    In regular (not RT) rendering to the VFB window, I've enabled history and set my history temp path to a local tmp directory (with write access for all).

    But as I do rerenders, I'm not getting any images/thumbnails appearing in the History window, like I've seen in the tutorials. I've checked the tmp directory and it's empty.

    Any ideas as to why?




    • #3
      Originally posted by RICHARD_SIMPSON View Post
      In regular (not RT) rendering to the VFB window, I've enabled history and set my history temp path to a local tmp directory (with write access for all). But as I do rerenders, I'm not getting any images/thumbnails appearing in the History window, like I've seen in the tutorials. I've checked the tmp directory and it's empty.
      You need to explicitly save the images to the history using the Save button in the "Render history" floater. The rendered images are not automatically transferred to the history.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by RICHARD_SIMPSON View Post
        I'm just getting started learning RT, but when I start the IPR render, the frame buffer render launches but remains black. I've enabled VFB in the Common globals, DR is turned off and the RT Engine tab settings are default (CPU).
        Do you get the V-Ray RT render server started automatically? If yes, what is the output there?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Hey Vlado, thanks for the replies.

          Re: the History thumbnails, I see that now, thanks. I thought it saved each test render as you worked, like PRman's It, but that works great.

          Re: the RT render server, I'm not sure I understand the question. I just loaded Vray, created the simple scene and tried an RT render of my current frame with the default Global settings. The output above was from the Maya console window.

          Do I need to start a RT render server? And where would it's output be? (sorry... brand new to vray.)




          • #6
            For RT rendering, instead of doing the render directly in Maya, we always use DR; that means that you need to have the V-Ray render server running on your machine in order to be able to render. Normally, V-Ray for Maya will start the render server automatically but maybe this part doesn't work on your machine. In that case, you can just run the vrayslave command manually before starting the IPR render. The vrayslave command is usually in /usr/autodesk/mayaNNNN-x64/vray/bin

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Well, I've confirmed that /etc/init.d/vraymayaslave2012 is running, but it points to "DAEMON=/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/bin/vray.exe" so I'm guessing that's not it.

              When I try to launch vrayslave manually (as root) I get this:

              [root@ws01 bin]# ./vrayslave
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Reading configuration from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/bin//vrayconfig.xml"
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] ===============================================
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] V-Ray Standalone EDU, version 1.5.01 for x64
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Chaos Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Use -credits option for additional third-party copyright notices.
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Build from Apr 28 2011, 03:21:09
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Compiled with GCC-compatible compiler, version 4.1
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Operating system is Linux
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] ===============================================
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Loading plugins from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/vrayplugins/libvray_*.so"
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] 101 plugin(s) loaded successfully
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Finished loading plugins.
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] error: Failed to start network server: Failed to open listening port (9
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Exiting server mode.
              [2011/Aug/31|14:06:25] Closing log - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s).
              Clearing command queue.



              • #8
                That's port 98. Not sure why the smiley.


                • #9
                  Hey Vlado,

                  Here's more information from further testing.

                  I rebooted my local workstation and confirmed that mayaslave is running:
                  root 4169 0.0 0.3 368224 26724 ? Ssl 15:06 0:00 /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/bin/vray.exe -daemon -server -portNumber=20207 -logDir=/tmp/vraymayaslave2012 -display=0

                  I then tailed it's log file:
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:22] Compiled with GCC-compatible compiler, version 4.1
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:22] Operating system is Linux
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:22] V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:22] ===============================================
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:22] Loading plugins from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/vrayplugins/libvray_*.so"
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:23] 101 plugin(s) loaded successfully
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:23] Finished loading plugins.
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:06:23] Entering server mode - waiting for render requests on port 20207. Press Ctrl+C to exit.

                  I then launched Maya, loaded the plugin, loaded my test scene (sphere and plane with carpaint and a lightdome), brought up the VFB and did IPR render current frame, which produced:

                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Starting DR session from
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Receiving DR scene from
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Reading scene file "/tmp/vrscene.txt"
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] /tmp/vrscene.txt: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Scene file parsed successfully in 0.0 s.
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Scene created successfully.
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Objects in scene: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Starting render sequence.
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Preparing renderer...
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Preparing scene for rendering...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] ========================
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Starting frame 1.
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] warning: Camera FOV is too small, possible round-off errors.
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Preparing scene for frame...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] Compiling geometry...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:43] warning: Scene is empty.
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Running RTEngine
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Number of raycasts: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Camera rays: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Shadow rays: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] GI rays: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Reflection rays: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Refraction rays: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Unshaded rays: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Number of intersectable primitives: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] SD triangles: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] MB triangles: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Static primitives: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Moving primitives: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Infinite primitives: 0
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Scene constructed in 0.0 seconds
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Preparing renderer...
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Preparing scene for rendering...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Preparing scene for frame...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] Compiling geometry...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
                  [2011/Aug/31|15:19:44] warning: Scene is empty.

                  But it still renders just a black frame. What's odd is that a normal DR render (no IPR) looks correct.

                  Does any of that help?




                  • #10
                    This may not help Richard, since I'm on windows, however I do get the same behavior and error messages. I'll explain...
                    I use a python script at maya startup to copy a specified vray build to my local machine. It copies to a custom location that is different to where vray would install by default. Under these conditions I get the same errors as you.
                    If I simply install vray locally, then RT works fine.
                    So far I have not had time to work out what is different with my custom install method, but hopefully this will give you some clues as to why yours is not working.



                    • #11
                      Can you try these steps:

                      1. stop/kill the "vray.exe -daemon ...."
                      2. check if the output of 'netstat -ln | grep 20207' is empty
                      3. if empty try a RT render
                      4. if not empty goto 1
                      5. if the RT render is not working try to start the vray standalone manually. It should be something like "path/to/vray/bin/vray -server -portNumber=20207"
                      6. if it starts successfully, then try a RT rendering.
                      7 if it doesn't work paste the log from the standalone here.

                      p.s. the combination of 8 and ) is parsed as an smiley, by the forum's software.
                      V-Ray developer


                      • #12
                        Thanks djx but yeah, mines just the default Linux install, nothing customized.

                        The problem continues. Support mentioned that nurbs aren't currently supported, but even with poly primitives it's still just a black frame in the VFB.

                        Here's the info I sent them, if it helps anyone on here... I certainly appreciate it!

                        I tried the same test, this time with poly sphere and plane, with the Vray car paint shader, and it's still solid black. By solid black, I mean all I get is a black frame in the VFB. I even made a new scene, just poly sphere and plane with VrayMtl and a VrayLightRect (see attachment) and it renders fine as Current Frame but solid black as a Vray IPR.

                        In the Script Editor, all I see is:

                        // Warning: [SettingsEXR] No image writer specified. //

                        // Warning: [SettingsTGA] No image writer specified. //

                        // Warning: [SettingsTIFF] No image writer specified. //

                        // Warning: [SettingsSGI] No image writer specified. //

                        // Warning: [SettingsJPEG] No image writer specified. //

                        // Warning: [SettingsPNG] No image writer specified. //

                        // Warning: Scene is empty. //

                        In the Console window I get:
                        V-Ray: Starting render
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Rendering with IPR (port 20207).
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 1.00
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Render complete
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: ========================
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray warning: [SettingsPNG] No image writer specified.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray warning: [SettingsJPEG] No image writer specified.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray warning: [SettingsSGI] No image writer specified.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray warning: [SettingsTIFF] No image writer specified.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray warning: [SettingsTGA] No image writer specified.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray warning: [SettingsEXR] No image writer specified.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Preparing renderer...
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Preparing scene for rendering...
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: dr host:
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: dr host:
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Using 0 hosts for distributed rendering.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Preparing scene for frame...
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray warning: Scene is empty.
                        [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Running RTEngine

                        Maybe its my Globals settings? I've:
                        -enabled Use V-Ray VFB
                        -tried it both with and without GI on
                        -tried it with and without "Use distributed rendering" (with 2 render nodes in the settings) - Should this be on or off?


                        • #13
                          [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: dr host:
                          [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: dr host:
                          [2011/Sep/1|12:28:03] V-Ray: Using 0 hosts for distributed rendering.
                          This is the error in the last log.

                          Please, disable 'Use Distributed rendering' and in the RT Engine settings, enable the 'Auto-start local slave'.
                          Then try to render with RT (click the IPR button) in a simple scene (plane/cube/vraymlts only).
                          After hitting the IPR button a terminal should be opened with the vray.exe running inside it.
                          In order to have the terminal opened, you should have gnome-terminal or xterm installed.

                          Hope it helps,

                          p.s. keep in mind that V-Ray uses tcp sockets to communicate with the V-Ray RT on port 20207. Please check if you have some other service listening on this port.
                          V-Ray developer


                          • #14
                            Thanks for all the info and help, Teodor. Here's what I've done:

                            Following your previous post, I killed the daemon, confirmed it was empty, relaunched Maya. I disabled DR and enabled Autostart local slave. I tried a new RT render. It thought for a sec, and it did launch Vray Standalone in a new terminal:

                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] Reading configuration from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/bin//vrayconfig.xml"
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] ===============================================
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] V-Ray Standalone EDU, version 1.5.01 for x64
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Chaos Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] Use -credits option for additional third-party copyright notices.
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] Build from Apr 28 2011, 03:21:09
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] Compiled with GCC-compatible compiler, version 4.1
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] Operating system is Linux
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:51] ===============================================
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:52] Loading plugins from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/vrayplugins/libvray_*.so"
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:52] 101 plugin(s) loaded successfully
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:52] Finished loading plugins.
                            [2011/Sep/1|12:48:52] Entering server mode - waiting for render requests on port 20207. Press Ctrl+C to exit.

                            but then errored out in a new window:

                            An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome-terminal. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.
                            Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See for information. (Details - 1: IOR file '/usr/tmp/gconfd-rs/lock/ior' not opened successfully, no gconfd located: Permission denied 2: IOR file '/usr/tmp/gconfd-rs/lock/ior' not opened successfully, no gconfd located: Permission denied)

                            I then quit Maya and vray.exe and launched the standalone manually, relaunched Maya and tried RT again. Still just a black empty frame but no errors either. In the standalone terminal:

                            [root@ws01 rs]# /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/bin/vray -server -portNumber=20207
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Reading configuration from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/bin//vrayconfig.xml"
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] ===============================================
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] V-Ray Standalone EDU, version 1.5.01 for x64
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Chaos Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Use -credits option for additional third-party copyright notices.
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Build from Apr 28 2011, 03:21:09
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Compiled with GCC-compatible compiler, version 4.1
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Operating system is Linux
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] ===============================================
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Loading plugins from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/vrayplugins/libvray_*.so"
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] 101 plugin(s) loaded successfully
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Finished loading plugins.
                            [2011/Sep/1|13:00:59] Entering server mode - waiting for render requests on port 20207. Press Ctrl+C to exit.

                            I confirmed that both gnome-terminal and xterm are installed, and that vray is listening to 20207:
                            [root@ws01 ~]# lsof -Pnl +M -i4 | grep 20207
                            vray.exe 7751 0 4u IPv4 142935 TCP *:20207 (LISTEN)

                            Seeing the gconfd-rs error above, I chmod'd it a+rw but it's an empty directory.

                            Does this help any? Anything I can test next?

                            Thanks again,



                            • #15
                              Quick update: still not working, but some progress (maybe):

                              After some googling of similar ORBit errors, I deleted my local .gconfd dir and /usr/tmp/gconfd-rs. Now, the only error I get on startup is:

                              ** (process:8865): WARNING **: Owner of /usr/tmp/orbit-rs is not the current user

                              But RT still renders black, with this output in the Maya console:

                              V-Ray: Starting render
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Loading plugins from "/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/vray/vrayplugins/libvray_*.so"
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: 101 plugin(s) loaded successfully
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Rendering with IPR (port 20207).
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 1.00
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 100 % completed
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.1s (0.1 s)
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Render complete
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: ========================
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray warning: [SettingsPNG] No image writer specified.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray warning: [SettingsJPEG] No image writer specified.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray warning: [SettingsSGI] No image writer specified.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray warning: [SettingsTIFF] No image writer specified.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray warning: [SettingsTGA] No image writer specified.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray warning: [SettingsEXR] No image writer specified.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Preparing renderer...
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Preparing scene for rendering...
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: dr host:
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Using 0 hosts for distributed rendering.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Preparing scene for frame...
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray warning: Scene is empty.
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:15] V-Ray: Running RTEngine
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Closing RTEngine (cancelled)
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Max. Mpaths per second: 0.000000
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Sampling level reached: 0 samples per pixel
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Number of raycasts: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Camera rays: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Shadow rays: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: GI rays: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Reflection rays: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Refraction rays: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Unshaded rays: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Number of intersectable primitives: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: SD triangles: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: MB triangles: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Static primitives: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Moving primitives: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Infinite primitives: 0
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Render interrupted
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: ========================
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Clearing exporter memory...
                              [2011/Sep/1|13:48:36] V-Ray: Total time clearing exporter memory 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)

                              The only other thing I see is in the Script Editor when I first launch Maya:
                              commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
                              // Error: line 1: Socket error creating command port commandportDefault (9. //

                              Any other logs I should tail? Other steps to try?

                              Thought we were getting close, but I'm running out of ideas.



