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Vray OZONE rendernode

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  • Vray OZONE rendernode


    I opened a support ticket at e-On but I don't know how quickly I will get support.
    I purchased Ozone with one rendernode License. Ozone was installed on the working machine and works fine.
    Install was made also on the rendernode with Vray standalone 2.0, Maya 2012 installed, and Ozone with the rendernode license.
    When I DR render the buckets of the rendenode render black.

    Was this anytime tested by chaos team ? Any help from anyone ?



    Maya 2012, Vray 2.0 official release and Ozone 5.

  • #2
    From 3ds max if I remember correctly, u had to do 1 render on slave(start max/pick scene render/not network /dr render) for it to start ''thinking'' b4 e-on software started to work in DR mode... Try that. GL
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


    • #3
      Wow, that was fast.
      Actually it seems to work and not
      I tried, rendered a quick shot from Maya, and then closed maya. Now rendernode begins and I have a popup window with "Error installing application. Please reinstall the application. If problems persist, please contact e-on software tech support" . When I click on ok, the Vray slave batch window closes.
      I reinstalled three times, so it's not a installation problem...

      Good start on this buggy software


      • #4
        U patched up e-on in right order? It has to be in perfect order from 0 to 1 in other ways it will explode and erase entire humanity on earth...

        Disable all firewalls (fully) they might block connections between eon and workstations...
        CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


        • #5

          What do you mean with patch e-on ? I installed the latest update this morning, but the problem remains. Actually there might be a activation problem. When I launch, on the rendernode, ozone from Maya2012 it asks me to activate. I don't have any activation number and my two licenses are registrated on the e-on site. What a mess !!!!



          • #6
            Thats the problem with patch.

            U dont install latest one first...

            U have to find the oldest patch and then install it 1st, So if Eon is version 1.0 and then there were patches 1.1 /1.2/ 1.4 etc. U have to start installing them from 1.1 to 1.4, not just the latest one. If I remember correctly (from old days) Eon in order to support Vray needed 2 patches from the middle of patch list (not the latest one) so u had to install all of patches in right order for it to work...

            I cant remember how do u activate e-on... U need to fully disable firewall 1st, to rule out windows blocking service. Then u need to sort out ur licensing and cows. From what I remember License is for workstation and then u need to install Cow service or so for render nodes...
            CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

   - come and look


            • #7
              Thank you again Dadal. Actually there seem to be only two updates for Ozone 5, and I did.
              I deactivated Windows Firewall and as for the Licenses I still don't find nothing new. There is nothing in the dacumentation related to rendernodes


              • #8
                Not sure how ozone is designed comparing to vue. On Dvd u got from e-on/digital download when us tart installation there should be a wizzard ye/no ? It should ask what to install, Ozone/cows/etc etc right no ?

                If that fails. Try installing Ozone on slave as it was on workstation...see if it will work there maybe there is hardware issue or something elze...

                btw are u sure ozone supports DR?
                CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

       - come and look


                • #9

                  The support team of e-on is loking into it. I had alreay several exchanges with them. The Vray ozone Plugin seems not to load the core engine.
                  There is no particular installer for the rendernode. Vray slave should use the ozone plug-in on the rendernode.

                  Maybe I'm the first one using Ozone with Vray DR. LoL .... to be continued....


                  • #10
                    Hi Dadal,

                    The problem is still not resolved.

                    May I ask you what kind of clouds you would use for a shot "above the clouds" ? Spectral, volumetric, etc.... ?

                    kind regards,


