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Spherical Harmonics baking failed in nightly build 17400

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  • Spherical Harmonics baking failed in nightly build 17400

    Hi guys,

    vray just crashed while baking spherical harmonics...i just setup this very simple scene here (only spheres and a plane) - unfortunately the forum won't let me attach zip files at the moment...just 25KB...

    OS is SnowLeopard running Maya 2012

    did i do something wrong?

    [2011/Nov/7|23:20:43] V-Ray: V-Ray for Maya version 2.15.01, revision 17400 from Nov  5 2011, 06:25:34
    [2011/Nov/7|23:20:43] V-Ray: V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
    V-Ray: Starting render
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:06] V-Ray: Loading plugins from "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2012/*.so"
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: 102 plugin(s) loaded successfully
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins.
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Parsing light links time  0h  0m  0.0s (0.0 s)
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray  0h  0m  0.1s (0.1 s)
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Rendering.
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Rendering frames.
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:12] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 1.00
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.0s): 89 % completed
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Total time updating frame  0h  0m  0.3s (0.3 s)
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Preparing renderer...
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Preparing scene for rendering...
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Preparing scene for frame...
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Compiling geometry...
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Building static raycast accelerator...
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: SDTree statistics:
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Total number of faces stored: 12600
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Max tree depth: 24
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Average tree depth: 13.0758
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Number of tree nodes: 3439
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Number of tree faces: 25827
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Number of tree leafs: 1424
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Average faces/leaf: 18.1369
    [2011/Nov/7|23:22:13] V-Ray: Memory usage: 1.88 MB
    Stack trace:
      4   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff8263afe6 strtol_l + 75
      5   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff8263af94 atoi + 53
      6       0x000000013a803e84 ShExporter::fillNodeShExportTable(VUtils::VRayPlugin*) + 1204
      7       0x000000013a8051ce FillShNode::process(Plugin*) + 62
      8   vrayformaya.bundle                  0x0000000132a5684d DefaultPluginManager::enumPlugins(EnumPluginCallback*) + 77
      9       0x000000013a80603c ShExporter::evalCoeffs() + 156
      10       0x000000013a807af8 ShExporter::frameBegin(VUtils::VRayRenderer*) + 40
      11  libvray.dylib                       0x000000013432564b VUtils::VRayRenderer::beginFrame(VUtils::VRayFrameData&) + 1403
      12  libvray.dylib                       0x00000001342f4a8e VUtils::VRayPluginRenderer::beginFrame(VUtils::VRayFrameData&) + 206
      13  vrayformaya.bundle                  0x0000000132b28723 VRayMayaRenderer::renderFrame() + 483
      14  vrayformaya.bundle                  0x0000000132b2a7a8 VRayMayaRenderer::renderSequence() + 1640
      15  vrayformaya.bundle                  0x0000000132b2a948 VRayMayaRenderer::renderImpl() + 296
      16  vrayformaya.bundle                  0x0000000132b2e4f1 VRayMayaRenderer::render(VUtils::VRayVFB*, MayaRenderParams const&) + 337
      17  vrayformaya.bundle                  0x0000000132d15889 VRendCmd::doIt(MArgList const&) + 3113
      18  libOpenMaya.dylib                   0x000000012db177e9 THcommandObject::doIt(TargList&) + 137
      19  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b478bd TmetaCommand::doCommand(TargList&) + 93
      20  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b46e86 Mel_Command_Dispatch_old(SphNode*) + 278
      21  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b93bf9 f_function_entry_node + 1097
      22  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b6b1b9 node_exec + 89
      23  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b6b27d sophia_call_executable + 109
      24  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b8f1bc SophiaExecutable::evaluate(void*) + 124
      25  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b4d8e5 TcommandEngine::executeCommand(SophiaExecutable*, void*) + 197
      26  libExtensionLayer.dylib             0x0000000101345b29 TelfEvalCmd::doCommand(TargList&) + 89
      27  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b47b67 Mel_Command_Dispatch(SphNode*) + 279
      28  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b6b1b9 node_exec + 89
      29  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b9418b f_function_entry_node + 2523
      30  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b6b1b9 node_exec + 89
      31  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b9418b f_function_entry_node + 2523
      32  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b6b1b9 node_exec + 89
      33  libCommandEngine.dylib              0x0000000100b6b27d sophia_call_executable + 109
    OLIVER MARKOWSKI - Head of 3D at RISE | Visual Effects Studios

  • #2
    I was having problems with texturing baking as well. I wonder if the problems are tied in together.


    • #3
      Nope, they are unrelated. What problems were you having?

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        About my problem: Any idea in which build this bug may have slipped in? I would like to use the build before it got buggy...

        Another question: Say i have lots of objects that are just moving very slightly (grass) ... can i bake SH into them and use the information for GI even if the move a little?

        Would really like to test this, but don't know which build to use....and maybe it's just a macos problem...will have windows by this weekend...

        OLIVER MARKOWSKI - Head of 3D at RISE | Visual Effects Studios


        • #5
          We are currently looking into it; I'll let you know if we find anything. It is not a problem if things move a little.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Fixed issue

            We've fixed that issue. You can download any of the nightly builds since 19.11.2011 (17623).

            Assen Atanassov

