I am rendering an extremely large number of car based animations. Almost 700. All of the animations are identical but each has a different car model as the subject. Only the camera is animated. In about 100 of the animations I am having a strange rendering issue. On some rendered frames of the animations, the windows of the car will have little black triangles scattered about them. The problem only occurs when the windows overlap, for example when you can see the windshield through the drivers side window. I am having trouble diagnosing the issue because the problem seems random. Sometimes a re-render of the frame eliminates the problem. Sometimes a re-render will just give a different distribution of triangles.
The model is being subdivided by the "render viewport subdivision". I have tried different combinations of the subdivision settings such as turning off viewport dependency and lowering the edge length. Ive tried turning off GI to see if the irradiance map was the issue. Also all of the car models have the same specifications. There is no difference between the models without the issue and the ones that have it, other than shape. Normals do not seem to be the problem either.
Attached is three sequential frames of an animation showing the problem. You will see how the issue is different in each frame. If anyone has seen this problem please let me know.
Thanks for any help.
The model is being subdivided by the "render viewport subdivision". I have tried different combinations of the subdivision settings such as turning off viewport dependency and lowering the edge length. Ive tried turning off GI to see if the irradiance map was the issue. Also all of the car models have the same specifications. There is no difference between the models without the issue and the ones that have it, other than shape. Normals do not seem to be the problem either.
Attached is three sequential frames of an animation showing the problem. You will see how the issue is different in each frame. If anyone has seen this problem please let me know.
Thanks for any help.