We have a serious problem on Vray to have a good aliasing on all images on a feature film.
I searched the bug today and i found it.
Here the bug :

Like you see, we have a bad sampling on a region of the image.
We can see this with the "sample rate" render element :

Where is the bug : the bug is when i create a extraTex render element, and i output the pointWorld with the sampler info.

Why the extra Tex point world affect the sampling on the beauty image (??????).
I give you a scene, you will understand. Activate and desactivate the render element, and see the sample rate.
I hope it will be fixed quickly.
V-Ray for Maya version 2.25.01, revision 20601 from Apr 18 2012, 04:49:55, linux64, Maya 2011.
We have a serious problem on Vray to have a good aliasing on all images on a feature film.
I searched the bug today and i found it.
Here the bug :

Like you see, we have a bad sampling on a region of the image.
We can see this with the "sample rate" render element :

Where is the bug : the bug is when i create a extraTex render element, and i output the pointWorld with the sampler info.

Why the extra Tex point world affect the sampling on the beauty image (??????).
I give you a scene, you will understand. Activate and desactivate the render element, and see the sample rate.
I hope it will be fixed quickly.
V-Ray for Maya version 2.25.01, revision 20601 from Apr 18 2012, 04:49:55, linux64, Maya 2011.