I am doing a simple test where two spheres serving as foreground characters to be integrated into live-action plate. The spheres cast shadows onto and catch reflection from a ground plane set as matte surface. The material of the ground plane is assigned with a VRay material with some glossy reflection and projected plate image in the diffuse. I tried to break the rendering into two layers: 1. hero foreground character and 2. all the effects affecting the ground plane/matte surface. I then wanted to comp them together to have a 1-to-1 match to the beauty/ground truth where the two spheres integrated into the live-action plate.
Render settings:
beauty/ground truth render layer:
Background texture: Override Environment checked with plate projected with VRayPlaceEnvTex Mapping type set to Screen.
Vray object properties for spheres: default
Vray object properties for ground plane:
Matte Surface: on
Shadow: On
character render layer:
Background texture: Override Environment unchecked and is set to black.
Vray object properties for spheres: default
Vray object properties for ground plane:
Matte Surface: on
Alpha contribution: -1
Shadow: off
ground render layer:
Background texture: Override Environment unchecked and is set to black.
Vray object properties for spheres:
Primary Vis: off
Vray object properties for ground plane:
Matte Surface: on
Alpha contribution: -1
Shadow: on
Affect alpha: on
Both primary and secondary GI engines are set to Brute Force when GI is on and no GI Caustics.
The composite result and the beauty match 1 to 1 in terms of the character/spheres, but there are subtle differences on the ground in the shadows and GI affected area, if GI is on.
I wonder how can I isolate perfectly and shadow and received GI for a matte surface so they can be used to re-build the beauty.
composite result
Vray 2.20.01 + Maya 2012
I am doing a simple test where two spheres serving as foreground characters to be integrated into live-action plate. The spheres cast shadows onto and catch reflection from a ground plane set as matte surface. The material of the ground plane is assigned with a VRay material with some glossy reflection and projected plate image in the diffuse. I tried to break the rendering into two layers: 1. hero foreground character and 2. all the effects affecting the ground plane/matte surface. I then wanted to comp them together to have a 1-to-1 match to the beauty/ground truth where the two spheres integrated into the live-action plate.
Render settings:
beauty/ground truth render layer:
Background texture: Override Environment checked with plate projected with VRayPlaceEnvTex Mapping type set to Screen.
Vray object properties for spheres: default
Vray object properties for ground plane:
Matte Surface: on
Shadow: On
character render layer:
Background texture: Override Environment unchecked and is set to black.
Vray object properties for spheres: default
Vray object properties for ground plane:
Matte Surface: on
Alpha contribution: -1
Shadow: off
ground render layer:
Background texture: Override Environment unchecked and is set to black.
Vray object properties for spheres:
Primary Vis: off
Vray object properties for ground plane:
Matte Surface: on
Alpha contribution: -1
Shadow: on
Affect alpha: on
Both primary and secondary GI engines are set to Brute Force when GI is on and no GI Caustics.
The composite result and the beauty match 1 to 1 in terms of the character/spheres, but there are subtle differences on the ground in the shadows and GI affected area, if GI is on.
I wonder how can I isolate perfectly and shadow and received GI for a matte surface so they can be used to re-build the beauty.
Vray 2.20.01 + Maya 2012