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Vray for Maya - VRayLightDome

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  • Vray for Maya - VRayLightDome

    Hi. I new to Vray for Maya. I'm currently using version 2.30.01 on Maya 2013 SP2.

    I am lighting my object with a HDR Map, plug into the texture slot of a vray light dome.

    The issue that I am having is that the Vray Light Dome's "invisible" check box works differently from what I am used to with an IBL on geometry type of solution. I guess what I looking for is more like turning off "primary visibility."

    Otherwise, making the light dome invisible introduces the environment color into the reflections and refractions, default being black. I only want my HDR Map that I am using as a texture in the light dome to effect my render, but I still need an alpha channel, hence the need to make it invisible.

    I know that I can do this by putting in my HDR map in the Environment overrides, but I would much prefer to do it with the vray light dome if possible. I like the look better using the light dome set to visible, but I need an alpha, and I trying to avoid having to render a separate matte pass, since I believe that Vray for Maya does not support contribution maps. Correct?



    Click image for larger version

Name:	glassSculpt_lightDome_invisible.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	305.2 KB
ID:	876853Click image for larger version

Name:	glassSculpt_lightDome_visible.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	370.0 KB
ID:	876854

  • #2
    You will notice that the problem is in the *refractions* only. Currently the visibility of the light for camera rays and refraction rays is the same (which is somewhat logical, if you think about it). There is a feature request to add an "Affect refractions" option to the dome light and we'll get to it, but for the moment you will have to use the refraction environment override.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by vlado; 18-10-2012, 12:00 AM.
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hi Vlado,

      Thank you very much for your help. That's exactly what it is. Overriding the refraction environment definitely works, but unfortunately it does not match my light dome refraction when left visible (see attached images).

      It is a very valid work around, so thank you for that, but it would great to have the "Affect refractions" option that you mention, sooner than later.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	glassSculpt_lightDome_refraction_override.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	416.5 KB
ID:	846235Click image for larger version

Name:	glassSculpt_lightDome_visible.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	370.0 KB
ID:	846236


      • #4
        The difference might be a matter of the environment mapping type in the respective VRayPlaceEnvTex

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          That's what it was. Thanks Vlado!

