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Manual Uninstall Vray for Maya, PYTHONPATH still contains old version

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  • Manual Uninstall Vray for Maya, PYTHONPATH still contains old version

    Long story short. V-ray got uninstalled incorrectly when setting up the use of multiple versions for different projects.

    Now when launching Maya "maya_vray/scripts" path is still in PYTHONPATH and I can not find where it gets added. When echoing PYTHONPATH in a regular terminal it is non existant.

    Where and when is this added to PYTHONPATH? I wiped my Maya install and maya folder in my home directory but it still gets added.


  • #2
    I believe that Maya automatically adds any paths from MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH to the PYTHONPATH variable when it's started.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Yes, either MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH or maybe if it is MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH gets added but that is not the issue i think. Those are blank so it can't be from that.
      If I start on another machine with same global environment it is not there so it must be some local setting.

      I found some VRAY env variables got added from /etc/profile.d/ but i did not find any additions to PYTHONPATH in that file or the other chaos files in that directory.


      • #4
        Which OS are you using by the way? Also, which V-Ray version?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Centos 6.2 64bit. The version that don't wanna disappear from PYTHONPATH is 2.10.01


          • #6
            Have you looked at ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile?
            Also have you checked the Maya.env file?

            How are you starting Maya?
            Are you using the default script or do you have something custom to start it?
            V-Ray developer


            • #7
              All of /etc/bashrc, /etc/profile, ~/bashrc and ~/bash_profile are free from VRAY related environment variables. I also cleaned out /etc/profile.d/ from chaos related files.
              I also removed my ~/maya folder.

              The script folder of the wrong Vray version is still added to the PYTHONPATH when running maya.
              It is not that big of an issue as everything still works as expected. It's just slightly annoying.


              • #8
                That's a mystery then. If all else fails, I guess you can run a search in the entire file system to check which file contains the string with the V-Ray path...

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  So i actually managed to find where it comes from by searching for the string. Tried this before but didnt find it that time (strange). Sneaky Maya apparently looks for modules in places that are not in MAYA_MODULE_PATH. It looks in /usr/autodesk/modules/maya/2012-x64 where the vray installer had put its module file. The module path was extended to the script path and the script path was extended to the pythonpath.

                  Case closed.



                  • #10
                    Very well then

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

