I'm a little bit missed.
Did you happen anytime you've lost maya render view?. It simply doesn't appears
The only option is open it in a visor (not as independent view) without open it as independient view. (If I try open it as independient view window, then it be inaccessible).
This is the first time in twelve years I see this. Could be using a nightly version (with "hide render view" checked?).
It happens me now even without load vray plugin.
Did you happen anytime you've lost maya render view?. It simply doesn't appears
The only option is open it in a visor (not as independent view) without open it as independient view. (If I try open it as independient view window, then it be inaccessible).
This is the first time in twelve years I see this. Could be using a nightly version (with "hide render view" checked?).
It happens me now even without load vray plugin.