Our studio has been recently making the switch from max to maya and we have used vray in max for a long time so we thought it would be a smooth transition. However once we got into actually running some jobs we've found a bug in the Material Select render element. I've been able to recreate it using vray for maya 2.2 and 2.3.
In the scene i have a vray blend material that has a base that is a vraymtl that has no reflections and is gray for diffuse, The coat material is completely reflective and has no diffuse. The sphere in the center has the blend material applied while the box surrounding the cube just has the base material applied to it.
Since the base material is totally diffuse, the material select should be the same as the total light pass but it is not. If there is more than one light in the scene the material select pass will vary from the total light pass.
Since the diffuse part of the pass seems to be wrong I broke off a specular and reflection materials and passes. The specular material select is different from the specular channel but the reflection pass seems to be the same as the reflected material select.
This only happens when there is more than one light in the scene. If you hide any combination of lights you can get each light behaving incorrectly in the material selects. Only when one light is in the scene does the material select passes work the way you would expect.
I have tested this with vray for 3dsmax and it works correctly but for maya this seems to be an issue.
We use the material selects for us to rebuild layered materials and right now we can rebuild them to where the artist intended them to be. Which makes us very sad because we love vray.
I have attached a zip of images including the maya file and the exported vrscene file. I am also showing the base material select, and the total light render elements below. Those images with the other examples are included in the zip.

In the scene i have a vray blend material that has a base that is a vraymtl that has no reflections and is gray for diffuse, The coat material is completely reflective and has no diffuse. The sphere in the center has the blend material applied while the box surrounding the cube just has the base material applied to it.
Since the base material is totally diffuse, the material select should be the same as the total light pass but it is not. If there is more than one light in the scene the material select pass will vary from the total light pass.
Since the diffuse part of the pass seems to be wrong I broke off a specular and reflection materials and passes. The specular material select is different from the specular channel but the reflection pass seems to be the same as the reflected material select.
This only happens when there is more than one light in the scene. If you hide any combination of lights you can get each light behaving incorrectly in the material selects. Only when one light is in the scene does the material select passes work the way you would expect.
I have tested this with vray for 3dsmax and it works correctly but for maya this seems to be an issue.
We use the material selects for us to rebuild layered materials and right now we can rebuild them to where the artist intended them to be. Which makes us very sad because we love vray.
I have attached a zip of images including the maya file and the exported vrscene file. I am also showing the base material select, and the total light render elements below. Those images with the other examples are included in the zip.