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VFB Frame And File Name Info

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  • VFB Frame And File Name Info

    When I am rendering interactively into the VFB, even with the Show Frame Stamp checkbox on and data in that field, I feel the images could be named more descriptively. Is there any way to have the following:

    1. VFB window shows somewhere (perhaps in the title bar of the window) the filepath with frame name (and render layer if applicable) as well as frame number.

    2. Saving the image to the vray history shows that info in the Details column

    3. The file saved on disk in the vray_history folder also contains that info as part of the filename. While the time/date stamp in the name is somewhat handy, the file info already has that data in the created/modified stamp and this other filename would come in more useful (in my opinion).

    Is there some way to do this already that I don't know about, or if not, can this be added as a future feature? Thanks!

  • #2

    You can use the various keywords in the VFB stamp like %frame or %filename (this will stamp the path and filename of the scene being rendered). This information is also stored in the history (.vrimg) and when loading an image from there to the VFB it will be available to you. Here is a more detailed list:

    Keyword ..... Description

    %vrayversion ..... the current version of V-Ray
    %filename ..... the name of the current scene file (also displays the path to where it is saved)
    %frame ..... the number of the current frame
    %primitives ..... the number of unique intersectable primitives generated for thecurrent frame
    %rendertime ..... the render time for the current frame
    %computername ..... the network name of the computer
    %date ..... the current system date
    %time ..... the current system time
    %w ..... the width of the image in pixels
    %h ..... the height of the image in pixels
    %camera ..... the name of the camera for this frame
    %ram ..... the amount of physical memory (in KBytes) installed on the system
    %vmem ..... the amount of virtual memory (in KBytes) available on the system
    %os ..... the operating system

    I hope this is helpful.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by yolov; 12-02-2013, 09:19 AM.
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


    • #3
      Yeah as I mentioned, I tried using the show frame stamp and setting all these previously, and while that adds the little overlay in the VFB, it does nothing for the actual filename, which is really the part I am most interested in (easily being able to identify these frames on disk when I browse to them or pull them directly into another package ). Also, it would be nice to see some of this data in the render history window, having to click all of them so I can see the metadata displayed in the VFB is not very convenient.


      • #4
        Hi again,

        You can put %scene, %layer, %camera (the frame number is automatically appended in animation) directly in the filename prefix in the V-Ray Common tab (or putting the same keywords between <> ex: <layer>). Maybe this is what you're after?

        Other than that, the only way I can think of seeing this in the VFB history is to manually add comments.

        Alex Yolov
        Product Manager
        V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


        • #5
          Hi Yolov,
          I think maybe I'm not being clear about what I am asking. All the stuff in the VFB overlay is great, but this is not what I am requesting. Specifically, this is what I am asking for:

          1. In the VFB window, regardless of what info is placed into the Frame Stamp overlay, right now, the title of the window reads something like (for example) "V-Ray frame buffer - [100% of 1920 x 1080]". It would be nice for the info placed into the Frame Stamp to ALSO be placed in the window title between the info already there, so for example "V-Ray frame buffer - /path/to/file/myscene_v001.0093 - [100% of 1920 x 1080]". This makes it easier to see, and is available even if the frame stamp info is turned off in the overlay.

          2. Regardless of what info I place into the Frame Stamp settings AND the filename prefix in the render globals, the Render History window only shows me the resolution and frame render time in the Details column by default. I am requesting that the Details column ALSO show the info I am referring to in item 1 above, minimally file name and frame number, and ideally the additional info the user has placed into the Frame Stamp info.

          3. Regardless of what info I place into the Frame Stamp settings AND the filename prefix in the render globals, when I tell the Render History window to Save a file to the location specified with the Options button (location of my vray_history folder), the name of the file written to disk is named something like (for example): "vfbHistory_2013_02_13_12_59_40_000.vrimg". What I am requesting is that this filename be something substantially more useful, such as "myscene_v001.0093.vrimg", and ideally allowed to add additional tokens as an additional option in the Render History window to that filename as well.

          Please let me know if what I am asking for is possible in some way I am not aware of, and if not, can these items please be considered as feature requests by the development team? Thanks!


          • #6
            Hello brickyard,

            All item that you specified in your last response are not supported at the moment.
            I will add all of them into our system as a requested features - hopefully we will see them implemented in future V-Ray releases.
            Thank you very much for your time and efforts.
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


            • #7
              It would be helpful enough to have the frame stamp carry over from .vrimg to .vrimg within the frame buffer history if that's possible...... I just noticed there's the option to add comments to the history frame list, but it seems a bit redundant when that info is already specified in the stamp...... for instance when I'm fine tuning something over multiple iterations for instance: file 1a, 1b, 1c, and saving to compare in history, there's a lot of % variables that come into play between each render that don't save with the history frame when it gets loaded in the vfb..... and i'm sure i could write all that down in the comments but ain't nobody go time fo dat..... I'm primarily working in 3dMax btw....

