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Maya spotlight barn doors bug

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  • Maya spotlight barn doors bug

    Hi there,

    Was trying to use barn doors on a Maya spotlight and noticed that the left and right barn doors are reversed. ie: try to make a shadow on the left side and it appears on the right. This would seem to be a bug because the top and bottom ones are not reversed and have the result you'd expect.

    While I'm here, it would be great to get some way of mimicking barn doors with the Vray Rect light. At the moment I have to build black blocking geometry like a snoot to get some directionality into them. This takes time, creates noise and unnecessary shadow computations. I see in another thread I'm not the first to wish for this control - it's a very common thing for DOPs to do on set. Any word on progress with that?


    We are on Build 2.10.01 for Maya 2012 64bit

  • #2

    Yes that seems like a bug. We'll look into fixing this. Thanks for pointing it out. In the meantime, if you have access to the nightly builds you can try the "directional" attribute of the V-Ray Rect light that we recently added for Maya. If you don't have access to the nightlies, send an e-mail to our to sort this out.
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


    • #3
      Thanks Yolov - great support as usual from the Chaos team. We are on the nightlies so I look forward to playing with the directional attribute, sounds promising.

