I am using a VRayEnvironmentFog contained within a polycube, and counter to the spot3d docs, the heigh parameter is not ignored and still seems to clip the fog within the container at the specified global height. Am I missing something here? and is the height param a clean cut-off or does it have some falloff?
snip from spot3d vrayenv fog pages.
maya: "Fog height - if the fog is not contained within a volume, it is assumed to start from a certain Z-level height and continue downward indefinitely. This parameter determines the starting point along the Z-axis."
max: "When there are gizmos connected to VRayEnvironmentFog, then the volume is confined only inside the specified atmospheric gizmos and the Fog height parameter is ignored."
I am using a VRayEnvironmentFog contained within a polycube, and counter to the spot3d docs, the heigh parameter is not ignored and still seems to clip the fog within the container at the specified global height. Am I missing something here? and is the height param a clean cut-off or does it have some falloff?
snip from spot3d vrayenv fog pages.
maya: "Fog height - if the fog is not contained within a volume, it is assumed to start from a certain Z-level height and continue downward indefinitely. This parameter determines the starting point along the Z-axis."
max: "When there are gizmos connected to VRayEnvironmentFog, then the volume is confined only inside the specified atmospheric gizmos and the Fog height parameter is ignored."