On our render farm, when rendering a frame sequence 1-100 using V-Ray for Maya's standalone vray.exe, I am having issues with not getting the frame number applied to the output image's filename.
I'm rendering 1 frame per machine, using this kind of command:
The next machine gets to render -frames=2-2, the third machine gets to render -frames=3-3 and so on...
However, the images doesn't get the frame number applied (like renderOutput.0001.vrimg, renderOutput.0002.vrimg, renderOutput.0003.vrimg). All machines try to write their frame to renderOutput..vrimg instead.
If the chunk size would have been, say, 2 ... so that the arguments would have been -frames=1-2, -frames=3-4 and -frames=5,6 then the frame numbering is applied correctly.
Is there no way I can get the frame numbering applied when just rendering a single frame per command?
I'm on nightly build 23395, Maya 2012.
I'm rendering 1 frame per machine, using this kind of command:
vray.exe -display=1 -interactive=0 -autoClose=1 -sceneFile=P:/RnD/fredrik/012-maya/002-maya/maya/render/standalone_v071_130809.vrscene -imgWidth=640 -imgHeight=480 -imgFile=P:/RnD/fredrik/012-maya/002-maya/maya/render/standalone_v071_130809/renderOutput..vrimg -frames=1-1
However, the images doesn't get the frame number applied (like renderOutput.0001.vrimg, renderOutput.0002.vrimg, renderOutput.0003.vrimg). All machines try to write their frame to renderOutput..vrimg instead.
If the chunk size would have been, say, 2 ... so that the arguments would have been -frames=1-2, -frames=3-4 and -frames=5,6 then the frame numbering is applied correctly.
Is there no way I can get the frame numbering applied when just rendering a single frame per command?
I'm on nightly build 23395, Maya 2012.