If you use plugin textures from the import drop down this crashes maya , at least in the node editor- (i just got a crash using maxcomptex and plugging it into vray material diffuse) . I havent tried it another way yet (im about to do this) , any ideas on a workaround? It would be great if the node editor worked with these plugin textures, because this would mean you could use an almost identical workflow to 3ds max. It would also be good if there were descriptions in the values, like in 3ds max, so you didn't have to go to the spot3d site every time you want to see what a plugin texture does.
I'm using maya 2013 snowleapord vray build 23208
If you use plugin textures from the import drop down this crashes maya , at least in the node editor- (i just got a crash using maxcomptex and plugging it into vray material diffuse) . I havent tried it another way yet (im about to do this) , any ideas on a workaround? It would be great if the node editor worked with these plugin textures, because this would mean you could use an almost identical workflow to 3ds max. It would also be good if there were descriptions in the values, like in 3ds max, so you didn't have to go to the spot3d site every time you want to see what a plugin texture does.
I'm using maya 2013 snowleapord vray build 23208