I have a problem : i create a tool where the user sets a settings on Maya attribute. After the tool gets the user setting of the Maya attribute and modifies the vrscene in Python Scene access.
The problem is : i don't know how to find the Maya attribute in the vrscene.
Here a example :
The user does something on the attribute checker1.color1 of a Maya checker node.
In the vrscene, i will have :
checker1.color1 in Maya is checker1.white_color in the vrscene.
Another example with material.
The user does something on the attribute VRayMtl1.color in Maya.
In the vrscene, i will have :
VRayMtl1.color in Maya is VRayMtl1@diffuse.color_tex in the vrscene.
If it is reflection attribute for example, VRayMtl1.reflectionColor in Maya is VRayMtl1@glass.color_tex in the vrscene.
So the problem is : how can i find the relation between the Maya attribute and the vrscene attribute ? There is a hidden command ?
Or what is the best approach please ?
Thank you
I have a problem : i create a tool where the user sets a settings on Maya attribute. After the tool gets the user setting of the Maya attribute and modifies the vrscene in Python Scene access.
The problem is : i don't know how to find the Maya attribute in the vrscene.
Here a example :
The user does something on the attribute checker1.color1 of a Maya checker node.
In the vrscene, i will have :
TexChecker checker1 { compatibility_with=1; alpha_from_intensity=0; invert=0; color_mult=AColor(1, 1, 1, 1); color_offset=AColor(0, 0, 0, 1); alpha_mult=1; alpha_offset=0; nouvw_color=AColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1); uvwgen=place2dTexture1; white_color=VRayUserColor1; black_color=AColor(0, 0, 0, 1); contrast=1;
Another example with material.
The user does something on the attribute VRayMtl1.color in Maya.
In the vrscene, i will have :
BRDFDiffuse VRayMtl1@diffuse { color=Color(0, 0, 0); color_tex=VRayUserColor1; transparency_tex=checker1; roughness=0; use_irradiance_map=1; }
If it is reflection attribute for example, VRayMtl1.reflectionColor in Maya is VRayMtl1@glass.color_tex in the vrscene.
So the problem is : how can i find the relation between the Maya attribute and the vrscene attribute ? There is a hidden command ?
Or what is the best approach please ?
Thank you