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Win/Linux dirmapping

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  • Win/Linux dirmapping


    We're planning on replacing Windows with CentOS (Linux) in our render farm.

    Since we work on Windows machines but will be rendering on Linux machines I have to switch out the Windows paths to Linux paths, and I'm currently doing that via Maya's dirmap command. This seems to work well with file paths throughout Maya. However, I noticed that it did not affect the irradiance map file path when I was performing some testing. Please see Linux render log below, where the irradiance map is not found.

    The command executed to generate the log below was "/usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/bin/maya/bin/Render P:/RnD/fredrik/012-maya/002-maya/maya/scenes/ren/" performed on a Linux machine. Although we probably won't execute commands like this, it shows that dirmap works and is in effect.

    Starting "/usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/bin/maya"
    Initializing userSetup.mel
    Linux environment detected: setting dirmaps
    Done initializing userSetup.mel
    Initializing V-Ray for Maya
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:34] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node vrayMultiProjection (id: 1115335/0x001104C7)
    File read in 2 seconds.
    Result: /mnt/prod/RnD/fredrik/012-maya/002-maya/maya/scenes/ren/
    V-Ray: Starting render
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:35] V-Ray: Loading plugins from "/mnt/pipeline/bin/vray/builds/130917_nightly_v23606_maya2014_linux/maya_vray/vrayplugins/libvray_*.so"
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: 133 plugin(s) loaded successfully
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins.
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Parsing light links time  0h  0m  0.0s (0.0 s)
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray  0h  0m  0.0s (0.0 s)
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Rendering.
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Rendering frames.
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 1.00
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Total time updating frame  0h  0m  0.0s (0.0 s)
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Preparing renderer...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Preparing scene for rendering...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray warning: Subpixel color mapping is on: rendered result may have incorrect brightness.
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Preparing scene for frame...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Compiling geometry...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Building static raycast accelerator...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: SDTree statistics:
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Total number of faces stored: 760
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Max tree depth: 27
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Average tree depth: 10.8096
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Number of tree nodes: 1575
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Number of tree faces: 4236
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Number of tree leafs: 541
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Average faces/leaf: 7.82994
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Memory usage: 1.71 MB
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Tracing 409600 image samples for light cache in 12 passes.
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:36] V-Ray: Building light cache...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:37] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  2.4s): 10 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:37] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  1.9s): 20 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:37] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  1.5s): 30 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:37] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  1.3s): 40 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:38] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  1.0s): 50 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:38] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.8s): 60 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:38] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.6s): 70 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:38] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.4s): 80 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:38] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.2s): 90 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.0s): 100 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Merging light cache passes...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Light cache contains 3776 samples.
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Prefiltering light cache...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Loading irradiance map from file "P:/RnD/fredrik/012-maya/002-maya/maya/render/standalone_v008_130812/narrowImapCache.vrmap"...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray warning: Error loading irradiance map: Error opening file
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Retrying to load irradiance map (0)...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray warning: Error loading irradiance map: Error opening file
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Retrying to load irradiance map (1)...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray warning: Error loading irradiance map: Error opening file
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Retrying to load irradiance map (2)...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray error: Could not load irradiance map
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray: Rendering image...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  4.0s): 10 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:39] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  2.9s): 20 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:40] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  2.3s): 30 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:40] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  1.9s): 40 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:40] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  1.5s): 50 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:40] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  1.2s): 60 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:41] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.9s): 70 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:41] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.6s): 80 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:41] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.3s): 90 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:  (Estimated time remaining:  0h  0m  0.0s): 100 % completed
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray: Number of raycasts: 2269845
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Camera rays: 921124
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Shadow rays: 928215
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   GI rays: 429747
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Reflection rays: 0
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Refraction rays: 0
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Unshaded rays: 0
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray: Number of intersectable primitives: 761
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   SD triangles: 760
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   MB triangles: 0
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Static primitives: 0
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Moving primitives: 0
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray:   Infinite primitives: 1
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:42] V-Ray: Successfully written image file "/home/IRUser/maya/projects/default//images/tractor_camera1_narrow.0001.exr"
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:47] V-Ray: Total frame time  0h  0m  5.5s (5.5 s)
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:47] V-Ray: Total sequence time  0h  0m 10.9s (10.9 s)
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:47] V-Ray: Render complete
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:47] V-Ray: ========================
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:47] V-Ray: Clearing exporter memory...
    [2013/Sep/21|16:07:47] V-Ray: Total time clearing exporter memory  0h  0m  0.0s (0.0 s)
    Scene P:/RnD/fredrik/012-maya/002-maya/maya/scenes/ren/ completed.

    Is it possible that dirmap does not work with plugins such as V-Ray for Maya?
    I'm performing all dirmap commands via userSetup.mel.
    Last edited by Fredrik Averpil; 21-09-2013, 07:23 AM.
    Best Regards,

  • #2
    Thanks for the pointer; will see what can be done about this.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

