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Working with instanced particles in self-contained vray files

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  • Working with instanced particles in self-contained vray files

    Hi all,

    I'm still fairly new to Vray but I have to render a shot with a large amount of geometry instanced on particles. Because they are a PITA to have hanging around in your render scene, I was hoping to just export a vray scene with the particles only and then append it to my primary renderscene using "addSceneContent". But I am running into 2 issues:

    1. The materials on the instances don't seem to get exported and vray complains about nodes without materials or BRDFs.
    2. It picks up the rendersettings and camera from the scene with the particles, rather than the ones from the render scene.

    Does anyone have experiences with these issues ? How do you solve this in your pipeline ?

    Any tips/tricks would be appreciated,

    thanks !

  • #2
    Hmm, I tried again in a fresh scene and it's all good, thread can be closed.

