I found this oldish thread...
...which says there's no way to read spriteNumPP from a particle system into vray.
I assume that's still the case, but wanted to check.
(Some background info you probably know, but anyway) :
With maya you can have an image sequence, say 0-9, and when rendering particles as sprites drive the per-particle attribute spriteNumPP to make each particle select one of those 10 images. When I render a playblast or use the hardware render buffer I can see the correct images being used, but in vray all particles are only using the first image of the sequence.
...which says there's no way to read spriteNumPP from a particle system into vray.
I assume that's still the case, but wanted to check.
(Some background info you probably know, but anyway) :
With maya you can have an image sequence, say 0-9, and when rendering particles as sprites drive the per-particle attribute spriteNumPP to make each particle select one of those 10 images. When I render a playblast or use the hardware render buffer I can see the correct images being used, but in vray all particles are only using the first image of the sequence.