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proxy objects not reading animated visibility keys from geometry

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  • proxy objects not reading animated visibility keys from geometry

    Hello everyone,

    It seems animated visibility keys do not carry over from geometry to the proxy. Have other people experienced this? Our situation has many objects being vis keyed within multiple groups, then the top group being proxied. This results in all geometry being on all the time.

    A simpler test with only one piece of geometry being vis keyed off and on then proxied results in the same. The geometry is on all the time, the proxy ignores the visibility being keyed off and on.

    Is there a known work around or a way to deal with this? We considered turning all the visibility keys to scale keys, but the result would mess with motion blur vectors too much.



  • #2
    Hm, it looks like we don't look at the visibility animation, we only use it as it is in the first frame. Will make a note to fix this.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hi Russ,

      if I go to the Channel box, animate the visibility and then export to proxy, the animated visibility is exported correctly to the vrmesh file. Can you tell me more precisely what is the visibility that you wan to animate?



      • #4
        I want to animate the mesh/geometry visibility.

        Can you outline your process Asen?

        I did did another simple test and asked another artist to do one as well, both resulting in the visibility keys not coming through.

        My very simple test:

        Create Sphere
        Animate visibility
        create>vray>create proxy
        within this option box I have chosen several combinations but the usual is
        Export all objects in a single file
        export animation

        I export the proxy to disk and then import it
        create>vray>import proxy

        No visibility keys come in.


        • #5
          Hi Russ,

          I downloaded the last nightly and tried again. And it works. My workflow is the following:

          1. create sphere
          2. got to "Channel box" panel
          3. Right click on "Visibility" and press "Key selected"
          4. go to frame 5, type "off" in visibility field, right click "Key selected"
          5. go to frame 7, type "on" in visibility field, right click "Key selected"
          6. export proxy with whatever settings

          If this is not working for you, please send me a simple scene with animated visibility and I will check what is the problem.

          Best regards,


          • #6
            I am happy to get you a scene, although I am doing the same as you just outlined. Very simple stuff. How can I send you a scene?

            I want to confirm: You are sure you are importing the proxy back in and it works?

            I ask because if you create a proxy and use the option "Export each object in a separate file" The geometry creation scene will change, (in my case to triangles) and the visibility will animate off and on. This gives it the misleading appearance that it is working. It is only upon import that you see the visibly of the proxy is not changing.

            Also you are using Vray 3?



            • #7
              Here is a link to a test file.




              • #8
                Yes, I use vray3/maya 2015/win7. I check that again and again and it always works on my side. What are your OS, maya and vray versions?

                You can send me a scene at A scene with one animated sphere should be small enough.

                Best regards,


                • #9
                  Hi Russ,

                  in order to export visibility to vrmesh files, you should turn on the option "Ignore hidden and templated objects".

                  Best regards,

