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Jerky camera path

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  • Jerky camera path

    Hi All,

    I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on my little issue. I am tryng to render a maya camera attached to a motion path (nurbs curve). I get a really jittery result like its missing frames. It renders fine in frame buffer and mentalray. Im on maya 2014 and vray 2.4 official.

    Mental ray video below

    Vray video below

    Scene file attached to post

    Thanks in advance

    Attached Files
    Last edited by matthew999; 19-03-2015, 04:32 PM.

  • #2
    oh dear never mind, i should learn to read back a few posts. I seems i am in the same boat as many others that are currently rendering on deadline with vray and render layers


    • #3
      Hi All,
      So my issue is also present when i submit the render in back burner, i have a 100 frame test split into a task size of 20, there is a noticeable jump at the end of each task, see video for issue and original post for test scene

      Would be great if someone can throw some light on the situation



      ps better to download video to clearly see effect thanks
      Last edited by matthew999; 19-03-2015, 09:46 AM. Reason: added ps to bottom of post


      • #4
        Ok ive been taking a look at this and trying to lend a hand.. unfortunately im a Max guy..

        - and its a bonkers problem. if you look closely at the test sequence, not only is the camera jumping back at the end of each render task, its also changing exposure.

        hard to tell if its skipping a frame or two, or if the FOV is changing.

        i remember there were some issues with dodgy copies having "features" similar to this, but its all legit software here.

        we are currently trying to pin down what is causing it, as there is a deadline looming. any other help most appreciated.

        -there is the option to migrate to 3.0, but not ideal just before a deadline if its not certain to help.
        Last edited by super gnu; 19-03-2015, 03:38 PM.


        • #5
          update, somehow.. its the physical camera.. without the physcam it renders with no weirdness. unfortunately that means a crapload of work to rework the scene for standard exposure etc.

          ive also overlaid the good one with the weird one in premier, and its definitely not just missing some frames. the camera is either offset, or the fov is changing, or something. along with the exposure. its just wrong. after a stutter, the frames are all different to any frames in a sequence without physcam. the further you go into the sequence, the larger the discrepancy.
          Last edited by super gnu; 19-03-2015, 04:22 PM.


          • #6
            thanks rob,

            here is a render of the same scene with the vray physical camera turned off on the maya cam. I think you are right there is definatley something funny going on with the vray phys cam.


            Last edited by matthew999; 19-03-2015, 04:36 PM.


            • #7

              I got the same result here when task size is used in Deadline with Maya 2014/ V-Ray 2.4. Now I'm going to run another test with V-Ray 3 and will inform you about the results later.
              Tashko Zashev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                Hi Tashko

                I think between rob and my self we have found a work around for now, As the actual scene doesn't use sun and sky there is no real need for vrays phyical camera. so i have unticked this option and it all renders fine again. The problem is definatly something to do with the physical camera attributes. When i removed the key for the FOV in the phys cam settings from the sample scene i have uploaded the jerkyness disapears however there is still a funny jump in exposure between each task size.




                • #9
                  Thank you for the update Matt.

                  Actually this issue seems to be fixed for the latest V-Ray 2.x nightly build and V-Ray 3. I see that you already have a workaround, but you can email us to support at with request for nightly build, if you need to render the scene with V-Ray Physical camera.
                  Tashko Zashev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                  • #10
                    Hi Tashko, i have emailed support and asked for the latest 2.x nightly. do you know how long it usually takes to send a link to download it?



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by matthew999 View Post
                      Hi Tashko, i have emailed support and asked for the latest 2.x nightly. do you know how long it usually takes to send a link to download it?

                      Hi Matt,

                      You will get a reply from our ticket system shortly.
                      Tashko Zashev |
                      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                      • #12
                        Hi Tashko

                        Can you tell me what version of vray 2.4 nightly this has been fixed on, i downloaded vray_adv_24001_maya2014_x64_23784 from nightly 20131030 and i still get the same issue

                        Kind Regards

                        Matthew Stevens


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by matthew999 View Post
                          Hi Tashko

                          Can you tell me what version of vray 2.4 nightly this has been fixed on, i downloaded vray_adv_24001_maya2014_x64_23784 from nightly 20131030 and i still get the same issue

                          Kind Regards

                          Matthew Stevens
                          The nightly you have downloaded is quite older (from 30/10/2013), it is from the stable brunch. Do you see a folder named "nightly" there ?
                          Tashko Zashev |
                          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                          • #14
                            ah yes i see it



