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Bifrost module error by ZIP installation of Maya2016

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  • Bifrost module error by ZIP installation of Maya2016

    ZIP installation of VRay3.10.01 is done Maya 2016.
    The following errors are shown on a script editor.

    // Error: VRay: Could not load the Bifrost module! You will not be able to render Bifrost as isosurface or metaball. Error is:[loadLib] LoadLibrary() failed: 126 //

    any solution?

    OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi

  • #2
    Currently, this module is always searched in the Maya bin folder. We will fix this.
    (So the only work-around is to manually copy it there)
    Last edited by ivaylo.ivanov; 05-08-2015, 12:45 AM.
    V-Ray/PhoenixFD for Maya developer


    • #3
      Thank you.

      OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


      • #4
        Hi, I am getting the same error here:

        // Error: VRay: Could not load the Bifrost module! You will not be able to render Bifrost as isosurface or metaball. Error is:[loadLib] dlopen failed: dlopen(/Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/, 5): image not found //

        but I am unable to find the file here on OSX. Is this not supported for OSX?
        It's quite annoying to get this error message any time Maya starts because the loading also halts for several seconds there.

        brave rabbit | Mac Pro 3.5 GHz 6 Core | ATI FirePro D700 | 32 GB RAM | OS X 10.13.3


        • #5
          Yep, Bifrost is not supported on OSX. I've replaced the message with a better one, but if there is a slow down like you said, we may consider disabling the module loading completely. I left this loading, since the issue on OSX is that the module linking is very complicated and doesn't match our workflow. If someone needs this support badly, in theory, we may provide the source code, so he try ...

          Also, the zip installation issue should be fixed in the next stable 3.1/nightly 3.15 builds
          V-Ray/PhoenixFD for Maya developer


          • #6
            If it's not supported than it makes no sense to leave it in there, doesn't it? But the waiting time to finally get the error is very annoying. It would make more sense to make it a separate plugin and include it when Bifrost is supported. The XGen part is a separate plugin as well. I don't care if VRay is only one plugin or several. As long as it works.

            Please let me know when this is fixed. Thanks.
            brave rabbit | Mac Pro 3.5 GHz 6 Core | ATI FirePro D700 | 32 GB RAM | OS X 10.13.3

