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Render elements double render time

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  • Render elements double render time


    we just encounter a really strange behavior: When we disable most of the render elements the render time reduce from 77min to 35min.

    Using Maya 2016 Ext1+SP4 with official V-Ray build 3.10.01 on Windows 7.

    The effect happen on three machines.

    The scene uses the PhysicalCamera and MotionBlur. First the render elements ExtraTex (with VRayDirt), Reflect and MaterialID was enabled. After we disabled the Reflect and ExtraTex elements the machines render double as fast.

    Image output is full float exr.

    Is this a known issue? I thought that the render elements are shifting the render time only a little bit, mostly because more file need to be written out.

    Thanks for any enlightenment,

  • #2
    There's an option within extra tex called consider for anti aliasing. If you have this turned on and the texture you're using for the extratex either has loads of fine details or if rendered at a low quality and thus grainy (probably your vray dirt) it'll make vray's anti aliaser work harder in whatever areas of the extra tex are noisy. This can lead to your main beauty pass being oversampled where it might not need it and give you that slow down.

    Try turning off this switch and re render.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot. That helped indeed!

      Wasn't clear of that correlation.

