I've been using my own modified version of Maya's LevelTools for the last four and a bit years (without changing code).
It's basically a UI list of Maya ascii scenes with icons.
It's setup so that I right click on these icons and can reference in props. I can also right click and refresh the icon preview using mayabatch as V-Ray being the primary render. Which has been great for workflow.
The image generation is done not through a batch render command but through "maya.exe -prompt".
I simply right click on an icon and it executes $renderIcons command.
modelBank_scene_prompt contains commands like this;
This setup has worked really well for years since around 2011, but something in 3.40.03 has broken this pipeline.
If I render in V-Ray 3.4 the scene is corrupt
However when I revert back to 3.3, V-Ray renders properly
Any ideas to what can be done?
I can confirm that even though the render appears black, it is rendering the scene and saving the image properly. It's just the scene is really corrupt (mesh won't render, lights won't render) but infinite planes render. Certainly is a strange one.
V-Ray 3.3 is fine.
I've been using my own modified version of Maya's LevelTools for the last four and a bit years (without changing code).
It's basically a UI list of Maya ascii scenes with icons.
It's setup so that I right click on these icons and can reference in props. I can also right click and refresh the icon preview using mayabatch as V-Ray being the primary render. Which has been great for workflow.
The image generation is done not through a batch render command but through "maya.exe -prompt".
I simply right click on an icon and it executes $renderIcons command.
$execute= ("start maya -prompt -file "+$filetoopen+" -command modelBank_scene_prompt"); $renderIcons = "system(\""+$execute+"\");";
setAttr -type "string" vraySettings.fileNamePrefix ($iconsPrimary + $iconsExtension); vrend -camera persp -layer defaultRenderLayer; print ("// Result: Successfully rendered "+$props+"'s icon.\n");
If I render in V-Ray 3.4 the scene is corrupt
However when I revert back to 3.3, V-Ray renders properly
Any ideas to what can be done?
I can confirm that even though the render appears black, it is rendering the scene and saving the image properly. It's just the scene is really corrupt (mesh won't render, lights won't render) but infinite planes render. Certainly is a strange one.
V-Ray 3.3 is fine.