Trying to confirm an issue (or feature?) that I am experiencing.
Issue 1: when using IPR with Maya Image Plane display in RGB, the IPR starts out correct but as soon as I start changing attributes (ex. light's intensity), objects in the scene that are set as matte object then turn black (which is the default background color I suppose), instead of what's in the image plane.
So, I turn Image Plane display to "None" and set Background override with the plate image in "Screen" mode. Now IPR (CPU) renders as expected for those matte objects BUT
Issue 2: the Physical camera is affecting the brightness of the Background override image in both IPR (CPU) and ADV progressive render.
I double check that in Color mapping that I have "Affect background" disabled and I don't have "Enable vignetting effect" in my physical camera.
Did I miss something or if there is a way to tell physical camera to not affect whatever that is plugged in the Background Environment Override?
Trying to confirm an issue (or feature?) that I am experiencing.
Issue 1: when using IPR with Maya Image Plane display in RGB, the IPR starts out correct but as soon as I start changing attributes (ex. light's intensity), objects in the scene that are set as matte object then turn black (which is the default background color I suppose), instead of what's in the image plane.
So, I turn Image Plane display to "None" and set Background override with the plate image in "Screen" mode. Now IPR (CPU) renders as expected for those matte objects BUT
Issue 2: the Physical camera is affecting the brightness of the Background override image in both IPR (CPU) and ADV progressive render.
I double check that in Color mapping that I have "Affect background" disabled and I don't have "Enable vignetting effect" in my physical camera.
Did I miss something or if there is a way to tell physical camera to not affect whatever that is plugged in the Background Environment Override?