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IPR in V-Ray_3301 suddenly not working anymore

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  • IPR in V-Ray_3301 suddenly not working anymore


    I got a strange problem ... we were using vray ipr in maya 2015 on the last project pretty nicely.
    Now suddenly when I start the ipr the vfb stays black.
    The object, light and ray count is always 0. (Vray production render works fine).
    I am using just a sphere ... nothing more.
    I can also see in the console that vray start a session and writes a vrscene.txt to some c:\temp dir which ends with .txt ?! and always has 0 kb.
    They changed the network to a domain if that could have anything to do with the issue ... but since the session is running on localhost that shouldn`t really matter right?
    Also distributed mode in production render works fine.

    Any ideas would be really appeciated!



  • #2
    Are there any warnings or errors on the maya side or the vray side?
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


    • #3
      I can't find anything ... I also logged onto the machine now without the domain ...
      Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	486.8 KB
ID:	863262


      • #4

        I can't find any useful information in the log and it would be best to create a ticket for this issue by sending an email to The we can check what is going on via remote control.
        But first to be sure that there is an issue actually here, please add one light source in the scene, a V-Ray dome light for an example, or check the alpha channel.
        As for the objects and lights count shown in the log, this is an expected behavior since the statistics are updated at the end of the rendering process.
        Tashko Zashev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

