Hi guys,
Im having trouble with getting a shadow to render correctly using just a dome light. I have a bright sun in the HDRI to give me direct shadows.
When I render the car shadow with the car vis off, and the floor visible, I get blue in the ambient areas, and warm sun tones where you would expect. Also the GI and contact shadows look solid and filled out.
However, when I render with a VOP on the floor set to "matte surface" "-1 alpha" "Shadows on" "affect alpha" on too, the shadow saves out without any of the colour the beauty had, and also looks washed out and doesnt look anywhere as dark.
Any thoughts?

Im having trouble with getting a shadow to render correctly using just a dome light. I have a bright sun in the HDRI to give me direct shadows.
When I render the car shadow with the car vis off, and the floor visible, I get blue in the ambient areas, and warm sun tones where you would expect. Also the GI and contact shadows look solid and filled out.
However, when I render with a VOP on the floor set to "matte surface" "-1 alpha" "Shadows on" "affect alpha" on too, the shadow saves out without any of the colour the beauty had, and also looks washed out and doesnt look anywhere as dark.
Any thoughts?