The RGB colors for a multimatte should have a value of 1 respectively. So image for the red matte should be <1,0,0> however the values seem to be typically less than 1, for example on one multimatte I get <0.9875,0,0> for the red, <0,0.956,0> for the green, and <0,0,0.819> for blue. Sometimes (I believe due to refractive objects) you can even get values NaN values like <1.919, 0, -1.3-e06> for a red channel matte.
This was tested in Maya 2015 with Vray 3.52, batch render, viewing the pixels in Nuke. I get similar results viewing the pixels in the VFB, although fwiw I don't see NaN numbers in the VFB.
A work around for this in Nuke is to isolate the channels in a shuffle, boosting its gain above 1, and then clamping it. However, this is obviously not the desired behavior from the render element.
Is this a known bug on the Chaos bug-tracker?
This was tested in Maya 2015 with Vray 3.52, batch render, viewing the pixels in Nuke. I get similar results viewing the pixels in the VFB, although fwiw I don't see NaN numbers in the VFB.
A work around for this in Nuke is to isolate the channels in a shuffle, boosting its gain above 1, and then clamping it. However, this is obviously not the desired behavior from the render element.
Is this a known bug on the Chaos bug-tracker?