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"RenderLayer" render token for File Name Prefix not recognized

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  • "RenderLayer" render token for File Name Prefix not recognized

    I have a scene with a ton of Render Layers using Maya 2017's render setup. In the file name prefix in the render settings, I used to use "<Scene>/<Scene>_<Layer>" however with update4 in Maya it doesn't recognize the legacy "<Layer>" token. The Maya manual says to use the token "<RenderLayer>", however VRay doesn't seem to recognize this at all. I'm stuck at the moment, and it basically looks like Vray doesn't recongize Maya's new Render Setup system. What's going on??

  • #2
    which V-Ray version do you use? The <Layer> tag should be working fine even with Maya2017 u4 and we don't support the <RenderLayer> tag.
    Ivan Shaykov


    • #3
      I'm running vray_adv_35203_maya2017_x64 with Maya 2017 U4. When I use the <Layer> token, the names for my Render Layers I've set up using Render Setup don't show up at all. Instead, it keeps rendering all my layers to the same file.


      • #4
        I just installed the nightly for VRay for Maya, vray_adv_36001_maya2017_x64_27517, still the same problem.


        • #5
          Just switched to Legacy Render Layers. Now the render layers I created in render setup shows up, and it appears to show me the passes I've made. However, when I actually batch render, it just renders into oblivion. There's no actual output file made, either in the TMP folder, or in the folder I designated. Although all my cores are being used, literally no file comes out.

          *edit - seems to work fine if I render to the Vray Buffer Window. Seems to be a problem with the batch renderer. Although, when I updated to the nightly, it changed some of my render settings.
          Last edited by ANDREW_LEUNG; 07-07-2017, 11:11 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ANDREW_LEUNG View Post
            *edit - seems to work fine if I render to the Vray Buffer Window. Seems to be a problem with the batch renderer. Although, when I updated to the nightly, it changed some of my render settings.
            Yes we did some improvements in the Render Layers and Render Settings for 3.60 and I was going to suggest you trying it and see id you still have problems. Since you still have problems can you share some example scene or the scene you're having problems with. You can also try reinstalling V-Ray but manually clean any leftovers after the uninstall.
            Ivan Shaykov

