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Matte Render Element => Object ID has no AA option (Really Need this for masking)

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  • Matte Render Element => Object ID has no AA option (Really Need this for masking)

    In looking through the forums noticed that the Vray for 3dsMax Matte Render Element => Object ID has an option for Output type to get a mask with AA or no AA (Integer) but Maya Vray does not have this option. Really Need this! Currently the only pass which give me AA is the Multimatte. Render ID and Object ID all give me passes with no AA. Are there any plans for this option to migrate to Maya if so when? Also are there any work around to get AA to the Object ID / Render ID passes. Many Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    You can use the Material ID attributes and the material ID render element for now - it is a color render element as opposed to integer, and will have proper AA. I will make a note to add the AA mode to the object ID.

    You can also use Cryptomattes in the latest builds.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      It would be nice if the multimatte ID pass could have a filtering option as well. Unfortunately we are stuck with After effects here and there is a nice built in effect that lets you pick a multimatte ID number with a slider. It makes creating masks for color correction super easy, but it's not filtered.

