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VRayScene Particle Instance Bug

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  • VRayScene Particle Instance Bug

    I?ve discovered a bug while trying to render Maya particle instanced objects when exported to a VRay Scene and loaded into another Maya scene.

    The particle instanced objects render perfectly fine and also work in IPR, but totally ignore the Render Stat overrides and Wrapper settings in the ?VRayScene? node in Maya.

    Other objects in the scene respect these settings correctly.

    I?ve made a demo scene, which can be downloaded here -

    Red = Maya Particle instances.
    Blue = Standard Maya Geo
    Green = Instanced Maya Geo.

    You will see the Red balls are always unaffected by the changes, this is breaking a potentially awesome workflow for working with very heavy scenes with lots and lots of instances.

    I?ve tested in Maya 2017 using 3.52.02 and Maya 2018 using 3.60.03. Both on OSX.

    It would be great to get this fixed. In the meantime if the vrscenes could be modified in some way that would allow the overrides to work please let me know as we might be able to use it on a current project.

    Best regards,
    David Deacon.

  • #2
    currently instancing the VRay Scene node is not supported. Unfortunately there is no workaround for this however it is in our to do list for fixing. Thank you for the feedback.
    Ivan Shaykov


    • #3
      Originally posted by shaio View Post
      currently instancing the VRay Scene node is not supported. Unfortunately there is no workaround for this however it is in our to do list for fixing. Thank you for the feedback.
      I have tested this issue in VRay Next for Maya and it still seems to be a problem. Is there any chance it may get looked at before the final release?


      • #4
        I'll add your vote to our system where this request is already logged under VMAYA-5790
        Alex Yolov
        Product Manager
        V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player

