Here's a tricky problem.
I'm exporting an Alembic from Houdini. In order to take advantage of instancing, the objects I'm exporting are packed primitives. These packed primitives have a Cd point attribute. I'd like to be able to use the VRayMesh node in Maya to load in the Alembic file as a proxy, but it's not detecting Cd as a color set. Is there a way to get this attribute across without unpacking and losing all the benefits of instancing?
I'm exporting an Alembic from Houdini. In order to take advantage of instancing, the objects I'm exporting are packed primitives. These packed primitives have a Cd point attribute. I'd like to be able to use the VRayMesh node in Maya to load in the Alembic file as a proxy, but it's not detecting Cd as a color set. Is there a way to get this attribute across without unpacking and losing all the benefits of instancing?