I am using Maya 2018 update 3, on Windows Seven 64bit.
I have installed vray_adv_36005_maya2018_x64.exe (VRay 3.60.05 "Stable" Nightly Build 28291, released on 30/05/2018 .
The installation process is supposed to modify a few maya mel scripts. It does for most of them, but it leaves untouched this one : unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow.mel
Here is the file that VRay uses to know what to modify : mod_unifiedRenderGlobalsWindowMel.txt
It contains this :
Here is the relevant part of the original Autodesk unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow.mel file :
As you see, Autodesk modified this script, your current mod file can't work anymore.
I am using Maya 2018 update 3, on Windows Seven 64bit.
I have installed vray_adv_36005_maya2018_x64.exe (VRay 3.60.05 "Stable" Nightly Build 28291, released on 30/05/2018 .
The installation process is supposed to modify a few maya mel scripts. It does for most of them, but it leaves untouched this one : unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow.mel
Here is the file that VRay uses to know what to modify : mod_unifiedRenderGlobalsWindowMel.txt
It contains this :
5 if (($createProc == "createMayaSoftwareCommonGlobalsTab") || ($createProc == "createMayaSoftwareGlobalsTab")) { eval($createProc); } 6 // V-Ray's changes start here. // Like this every renderer which comply with the name convention // will work properly, on first render settings opening. else if (gmatch($createProc, "*reate*CommonGlobalsTab")) eval($createProc);
if (($createProc == "createMayaSoftwareCommonGlobalsTab") || ($createProc == "createMayaSoftwareGlobalsTab")) { eval($createProc); } else { callbacks -executeCallbacks -hook "rendererAddOneTabToGlobalsWindowCreateProc" $createProc; }