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VRay SDK Instance proxyMeshFile

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  • VRay SDK Instance proxyMeshFile

    It it possible to write a plugin in VRay SDK that creates instances of proxyMeshFile's (alembic files)?

    At the moment I have a postTranslate script that works, but gets pretty slow when you have a lot of instances.

    I have found examples of creating new Plugins within a plugin using:
    VRayPlugin *meshPlugin = (VRayPlugin*) plugman->newPlugin("GeomMeshFile", NULL);

    Is that also possible with the instancer? If so, how do I generate the list of instances to pass to the instancer plugin node?

    Post translate pseudo code below:

    proxyMeshNode = vr.create('GeomMeshFile', 'GeomMeshFile')
    proxyMeshNode.set('file', abcPath)
    proxyNode = vr.create('Node', 'TransformNode)
    proxyNode.set('geometry', proxyMeshNode)

    instanceList = []

    for i in range(0, 100000):
    instanceList.append([0, vrayTr, velTransform, proxyNode)

    instanceObj = vr.create('Instancer', instancerName)
    instanceObj.set('instances', instanceList)

    Jacob Børsting
    Head of Pipeline @ Ghost VFX

  • #2
    Hi, here's an example python post translate script that can create an instancer:

    import maya.cmds as cmds
    from vray.utils import *
    myCube = findByName("KUB@node")[0]
    instancerList2 = [1.0, [1, Transform(Matrix(Vector(1, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1)), Vector(-24, 0, 0)), Transform(Matrix(Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0)), Vector(0, 5, 0)), myCube],
    [2, Transform(Matrix(Vector(1, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1)), Vector(-30, 0, 0)), Transform(Matrix(Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0)), Vector(0, 0, 0)), myCube]]
    instancer = create("Instancer", "newInstancer")
    instancer.set('instances', instancerList2)
    You can see how it works in the attached scene.

    One alternative approach would be to create Node plugins in c++ via the VRaySceneModifierInterface. There are several examples in the V-Ray SDK that use it, you can use them as a reference.
    Attached Files
    V-Ray for Maya dev team lead


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply.

      How do I create the array of instances and add that to the Instancer plugin in the VRaySceneModiferInterface in C++?

      My code looks something like this:

      C++ code:
      VRayPlugin *meshPlugin = (VRayPlugin*) plugman->newPlugin("GeomMeshFile", NULL);
      meshPlugin->setParameter(new DefStringParam("file", abcPath.c_str()));
      meshPlugin->setParameter(new DefBoolParam("use_full_names", true));
      meshPlugin->setParameter(new DefBoolParam("instancing", false));

      VRayPlugin *nodePlugin = (VRayPlugin*) plugman->newPlugin("Node", NULL);
      nodePlugin->setParameter(new DefTransformParam("transform", basicTr));
      nodePlugin->setParameter(new DefPluginParam("geometry", meshPlugin));
      nodePlugin->setParameter(new DefPluginParam("material", inMaterialPlugin));
      nodePlugin->setParameter(new DefBoolParam("visible", false));

      VRayPlugin *instancerPlugin = (VRayPlugin*) plugman->newPlugin("Instancer", NULL);
      Last edited by jbvfx; 10-12-2019, 10:19 AM.
      Jacob Børsting
      Head of Pipeline @ Ghost VFX


      • #4
        I got it to work creating a "Node" plugin for each of my instances.

        The only thing I can't get to work is motionblur.
        How do I set two transforms on each of the Nodes?

        Right now I have something like this:
        Transform vrayTr = Transform(Matrix(Vector(1, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1)), Vector(0, i, 0));
        Transform offSetVrayTr = Transform(Matrix(Vector(1, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1)), Vector(1, i, 0));
        TraceTransform tms[2];
        tms[0] = TraceTransform(vrayTr);
        tms[1] = TraceTransform(offSetVrayTr);
        nodePlugin->setParameter(factory->saveInFactory(new DefTransformParam("transform", tms)));
        But that gives me the following error:
        error C2664: 'VUtils::DefTransformParam::DefTransformParam(const VUtils::DefTransformParam &)': cannot convert argument 2 from 'VUtils::TraceTransform [2]' to 'const VUtils::TraceTransform &'
        Last edited by jbvfx; 15-12-2019, 08:00 AM.
        Jacob Børsting
        Head of Pipeline @ Ghost VFX


        • #5
          I got motion blur working using an InterpolatedTransformParam.

          I still would like to try adding the instances to an "Instancer" plugin, as it seems to be slow generating millions of "Node" plugins.

          How do I create the array for each instance? Similar to Python where you create a normal List with (index, Transform, VelTransform, Node, etc).

          In the vraystdplugins.chm, there's a reference to:

          VUtils::InstancerParam Struct Reference
          Format: List(<time>, List(<id>, <tm>, <vel>, <attr_flags>, <attr_objectID>, <attr_primaryVisibility>, <attr_userAttributes>, <visible>, <material>, <geometry>, <node>), List(...) )
          I can't find the header file for the Struct or any examples using it.

          Or would it make more sense to look at the StaticMeshInterfacePrimitive for loading the proxies?

          I'm looking for the most efficient way to render millions of instances of a few different proxies (alembic).

          I figured it out.
          Last edited by jbvfx; 26-01-2020, 03:36 AM.
          Jacob Børsting
          Head of Pipeline @ Ghost VFX

