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SSS direct/indirect in light select type

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  • SSS direct/indirect in light select type


    In VRay there are light select. It's pretty cool. The upgrade 1 add indirect type inside, very great. But if you work with light select and SSS shader like alSurface you want to get the SSS control (direct and indirect) for each light select in order to composite well and deep.
    For example if you have a light set with sky, key and a point light for simulate a fire and a character with SSS shader placed near of this point light , you want to animate the luma fire in compositing, if you don't have the SSS channel by light select, you couldn't make a flickering on just the light "fire" and the light select is very limiting and he loses his interest. A global SSS aov with all light inside is not enought for that.

    It is possible to have this upgrade (you are in the good way with the adding indirect type feature in upgrade1)?

    Thank you by advance,


  • #2
    Hello Chaosgroup Dev Team,

    At the sight of the last update of light select, I saw that you are working well on the light select, and I'm wondering if this kind of feature is planned in a next upgrade or if not...

    I'm preparing some look dev on a feature film, and I would to know that in order to have a visibility on the rendering/compositing pipe.

    Thank you for your answer.



    • #3
      Yes, there's plans for something like this. We are working on getting Light Path Expressions into V-Ray and this will certainly be possible with the LPEs.
      Alex Yolov
      Product Manager
      V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player

