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Suggestion for faster Bucket rendering.

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  • Suggestion for faster Bucket rendering.

    Hi Chaos Group,

    these days I was rendering a lot and had some time to think. I really love the feature that V-Ray is dynamicly scaling the render buckets at the end of the rendering. But the last few days I wished that it would do this in the specific areas that are most render intensive.

    I had two basic ideas to do this.

    - Setting rendering hotspots by hand.
    you place some dots or drag an ellipse in the Framebuffer and the framebuffer scales down the bucket around those spots in a certain radius. Assuming the artist knows where the most render intensiv areas are from previous renderings.

    - Generating a Rendertime Heatmap
    Idea 1: Rendering a really small version of the image to determine the rendertime at specific parts of the image. (Reduction of primary rays could be problematic because of noise theshold)
    Idea 2: Rendering some kind of prepass that could be generated quickly to determin rendertime of certain objects
    Idea 3: Analyse which material is the most render intensive and scale the buckets by the underlying material
    Idea 4: Use the rentertime information of the buckets of an image from the framebuffer history as base for the scaling of the bucket size in the next rendering.

    Hope it helps. ^^

  • #2
    I second this and actually put forward similar idea about render time heatmap, but I don't think its that easy. My idea was to use LC to determine areas where to split the buckets but I guess the final sampling is a lot more complex and might not be possible to guess it with prepass.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      Yea, that's true. But even if it would be possible to select the bucket subdiv area by hand, it would help, I guess. I mean, it's already possible to steer the buckets with the mouse cursor, so it should be doable. Would love to hear from Chaos Group staff if the idea makes sense in general.


      • #4
        Great idea, and presumably might also have the side effect of solving that annoying "last bucket" problem that Vray has always had whereby a single bucket will hang on a refraction or something long after the rest of the image has finished, usually with a full-sized tile.

