It would be great if there was a new object that could be used to texture with Decals similar to how it's done in Unreal, but with VRay in Maya using Vray materials instead. So far right now, the only way it could be done is with a fairly non-intuitive texture set up. Would be great if it could just be something as simple as a cube object with a Vray Decal Material attached to it.
No announcement yet.
Decals similar to Unreal
Can you explain more detailed how this works in unreal, and how you'd want it to work in VRay?
Here's a video tutorial on Decals in Unreal. It's basically an ability to project a texture on to any surface, and in any direction, using a reference object. This projection also has the ability to be limited how far it projects (so it doesn't project into infinity). It has the ability to override and texture that it's being projected onto, and will include normals, diffuse/albedo, and roughness etc. This is great for placing things like grime, bullet holes, damaged areas, etc. quickly.
How is this different than just using projections?