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Lens effect as render Element

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  • Lens effect as render Element

    Hey, does anyone like me want to have the lens effects as a render element instead of in the post effects? I think this makes more sense.

  • #2
    HI, thanks for posting. We already have the Glare render element.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	maya_2023-03-08_15-22-53.gif
Views:	296
Size:	115.9 KB
ID:	1174993

    Isn't this what you are after?
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Forgot to get back to this, but it's been bothering me ever since Yes, the glare pass show up as a render element in the drop down. But it would be better to enable the lens effects with a render element just as you would with a specular render element for example. This way lens effects would be enabled when you import render elements along with the other passes. As of now you have to enable it actively for each scene.
      Also, enabling lens effects does not constitute as a change in the Maya scene so Maya will disregard you enabling it if that is the only change you do in the scene and save. Hope it makes sense. Therefore having lens effects as a renderelement you can add though render settings is much better.


      • #4
        You have to enable the lens effects only for newly created scenes. Scenes that were saved with lens effects turned on will open with lens effects on. The lens effects are post rendering process. Much like if you were to add it in a post production software but here you have it in the VFB. This is not the same as render elements so to me it does not make sense to have it as render element.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

