Just another MR feature that I was thinking about the other day while working on a scene...the ability to freely rotate the IBL node and have it echoed in your lighting.
I know VRay has rotate Y and rotate X on the texture placement node, but without rotate Z and due to the fact that you can't customize the rotation order; these controls are a bit weak in terms of doing stuff other than strict Y rotations to get the area of the dome you want.
It could be as simple as a straight up clone of the 3D Texture placement nodes in Maya and just let you freely rotate it, but probably better to let us rotate the actual dome itself so the pole stays in place.
I know VRay has rotate Y and rotate X on the texture placement node, but without rotate Z and due to the fact that you can't customize the rotation order; these controls are a bit weak in terms of doing stuff other than strict Y rotations to get the area of the dome you want.
It could be as simple as a straight up clone of the 3D Texture placement nodes in Maya and just let you freely rotate it, but probably better to let us rotate the actual dome itself so the pole stays in place.