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Save render elements setup for render layers include layer overrides

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  • Save render elements setup for render layers include layer overrides


    Is it possible to save the setup you do in one scene with render elements, at use it in a number of other scenes for a project. i can get it to save and use it globally, but it doesn't remember the layer overrides

  • #2
    If you import your render elements into reference file ?


    • #3
      Yes, i noticed that in the render elements tab, you can save the passes or settings you've created, and import in another scene. But it doesn't work with renderlayers where you have layer overrides.


      • #4
        I talk about reference in the file menu, not just the import button in the render global.
        If you create a reference with your renderElement, do some renderLayer override, save your "reference edit".
        And after, for other scene, you create your reference and a another reference for your reference edit (or import all) ?


        • #5
          I'm not sure I completely understand. I don't wanna use it with a reference, I just have multiple similar scenes that need more or less the same render element treatment and settings, and I was trying to see if
          There is anyway I could save the settings for the render elements including a renderlayer override.
          Does that make sence?


          • #6
            It is not a Vray problem, but a maya problem.
            When you do an override on something, Maya create a connection between the object and the layer.
            When you export your object and reimport it, your connection will be lost.
            But you can try to see with the "reference edit" to save all edit in your object.


            • #7
              Ok, found a solution for you with > Maya 2011.
              Like i say, select all your renderElement, save them.
              Now create a reference with your exported renderElement.
              In the renderElement tab in the renderGlobal, check : use referenced (to see your referenced renderElement).
              Now do your override, edit, etc etc.
              You will see all you edit in the reference editor, in "list reference edits".

              Select your reference, and in the reference editor, file, "export to offline file".

              Now you can importe?referenced this "offline file" to edit all renderElements in anothers scenes.


              • #8
                if you wish to store render layer overrides, the only real way of handling that is through mel, that is, coding your overrides in a script, then when you import your render elements into a new scene, running a mel to create overrides on those render layers. This would require some consistency in the render layer names, but it can work.
                Dmitry Vinnik
                Silhouette Images Inc.

