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V-Ray frame buffer wishlist!

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  • V-Ray frame buffer wishlist!


    I have a few suggestions for the V-Ray VFB:

    1. Ability to load images into framebuffer regardless of file format (currently it seems only vrimg is supported. Would be handy to be able to open exr, tif, jpg etc)

    2. Ability to do simple over/under compositing. This way you could toggle any stored image as 'foreground' or 'background' and have all other stores show on top of or below that image. This is useful when doing live action integration to test the render on the plate with any keyed/rotoed foreground elements on top. You can of course do the same by using camera mapped planes with opacity maps and other hacks in Maya but doing it via the VFB is faster to set up, more flexible and less destructive, as it keeps these elements separate from the actual render.

    3. Make a dark version of the framebuffer GUI. The new VFB seems about as bright as the old pre-QT Maya interface so it looks out of place. Also, and more importantly, a bright framebuffer interface distracts from the image you're trying to look at (I'm guessing this is the reason why virtually all compositing apps have dark interfaces)

    Render History:
    4. Ability to flip between stored images with the keyboard. Pointing with the mouse and double clicking is slow if you want to continually flip between stores. Hotkeys like pageup/pagedown or the arrowkeys would be more effective.

    5. Ability to re-arrange stores. It would be cool to be able to change their order by dragging them in the history window.

    6. Highlight/mark the store which is currently displayed in the VFB.

    7. Apply the "Display colors in sRGB space" toggle to history swatches too.

    8. When working with high res renders it can take several seconds to save the current render to history and toggling between different stores can be quite slow as well. Assuming that moving data to/from disk is the bottleneck (which I'm not sure how to verify, to be honest), it would be nice with an option to store images in RAM instead of on disk so saving and flipping between stores would be instantaneous.

    9. Related to ( 8 ) above, it might make sense to have an option to disable storage of Render Elements in the history. Again, for efficiency's sake. The "Render history settings" window is almost empty anyway, so a few checkboxes with relevant options wouldn't do any harm, I think

    I hope some of this might be useful and I'll be happy to elaborate if it's not making sense


  • #2
    I would add to this list the ability to treat VFB as a normal panel in Maya. I dont like to have floating windows, because then you open the attribute editor and you VFB is in front of it or something like... it's messy.

    Dont know if it is possible though.


    • #3
      Thnak you for the feedback.
      We will consider the suggestions.
      Best regards,
      Zdravko Keremidchiev
      Technical Support Representative

